Logbook entry

LOG #1 - KNIGHT H. LASTIMOSA - TITAN Contractors - "Errant Wishes"

19 Jan 2022Harper Lastimosa
"There is little honor in death, and even less in wasted pursuits, little one..."

My Mother was a saint. She really was. Absolutely had a heart of gold, even if she held it in the wrong spot sometimes. I'll never forget those words though, even if I haven't figured out what exactly a wasted pursuit truly is. I've always learned one lesson or another, even if they're hard ones. There's always something to learn, so, at least we'll always keep honor, eh? Well, where are my manners-

My name is Sir Harper Alexius Tiberius Alarius Ignatius Avemis La Rosa De'Rullo St-Nazare Lastimosa IV - And yes, all of them. Ha! But, just Harper is fine enough. Even my Father was so worried of wasted pursuits that I'm technically no longer a "Sir"- family business, though. I may be the closest thing you'll ever meet to true Imperial Nobility, though, yours truly is only 116th in in line to the throne. I come from Cronus, in the Elysia system...home sweet home. Also home to the Lastimosa Duchy & Villa Sprawl.

I left home in early 3307 as a Knight Errant, simply to see the Galaxy, and to see where I would end up. My Father...less than pleased, normally he would say something about breaking dear Mother's heart, but, she didn't have to watch me depart. Leaving in a Courier, and returning home in a Cutter was quite the nice impression to leave on the Family, and on the back of my own Carrier no less was just as much a pleasant way to make it known the only Son was no wasted pursuit. Er, off topic-

Present day, I find myself under employ and companionship with TITAN Contractors, a rather large private industry that seems to have resources and wings for all activities that one may find in the Galaxy, even if there's no real home system, I've never not felt at home aboard one of the many Carriers in the Fleet, my own not-withstanding. Regardless; it has been a wonderful surrogate family, and a brave one in a dangerous galaxy. For those of you wandering from your own homes, maybe you'll find one amongst our ranks, and a place among those who would be your friends and family. Interested? Well, drop a comm-link, you're bound to have an answer.

* See our Squadron Page on INARA!
* Come find us on Discord!
* A big thank you to CMDR Radiumio for sparking an interest to get back into writing, and fostering a wonderful RP Squadron!
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