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Hip 22460/Salvation/Sabotage?

12 Aug 2022FearTh3eReaper
The day was finally here, August 9th 3308 the day many had long awaited, Salvation had said the activation of his Proteus wave would once and for all take care and eradicate the Thargoid threat, I arrived in the Hip 22460 a quick system scan indicates that there are hundreds of Commanders and that the system is packed with Fleet carriers, We've all come to see the deployment of the weapon and see the results of countless hours of hard work by so many Commanders over these many months in their effort to help salvation complete the construction of his weapons and now the Proteus wave to defeat the Thargoid threat, as the hour approaches I get a sense of tension coming from the ships around me, looking around i see the commanders near me tensing up and are arming their weapons being ready for the worst, after a few moments the news feeds pop up, audio starts to play automatically it's Salvation, his voice smooth and calm, his words inspiring, the news feeds showing the Proteus wave charging the sight of it caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up, and a knot in my stomach, I along with every other Commander held their breath, as three huge Thargoid ships dropped in from Witch-space, instantly there was an exchange of fire from Salvations ship trying to hold them off as the weapon charges, and I know at that moment I and every other commander were bringing our weapons online getting ready to engage them to hold them off to give the weapon the time it needs to charge, at first it seemed like salvation was doomed, but then the weapon fires.. the blast wave so bright it engulfed Salvations ship so that you could only see the outline of the ship, seeing the Shockwave as it reached the Thargoid ships causing burst of electrical malfunctions throughout their ships, the site of them shutting down made my jaw drop, I have never seen a weapon with such power like it before, unfortunately as fast as the excitement and the joy came over me it was just as quickly snatched away, as the news feeds started focusing on the weapons location and it seemed to be malfunctioning, news feeds were cluttered with reporters trying to understand and report what was happening at the site and then it happened, the Proteus wave exploded with energy sending a shock wave throughout the entire system, this time rendering Salvations ship helpless, I along with every other Commander in the system could only watch as the Thargoid ships reanimate with life and start bombarding Salvations ship, the ship now drifting without power, huge chunks of Hull fragments everywhere and Salvation's Fate Unknown, the News feeds scrambling to get the shots of the Thargoids ships as they reentered Witch-space, disappearing almost as quickly as they appeared, but to where? Back to their home?, or are they regrouping and planning an attack on the bubble bigger then we've ever endured before?, more importantly did the Proteus wave malfunction? Or was it sabotage?, does the radical Thargoid loving worshipping Far God Cult have something to do with it? Did they sneak in during construction to sabotage the weapon in order to try and save their "Gods" and by doing so cost thousands of people's lives in HIP22460?, Or does it have something to do with the group behind Operation Wych Hunt?, their feelings towards Salvation and his recently revealed past are no secret, they had been actively working to stop salvation from completing his work on the Proteus wave by disrupting his influence in multiple systems, and by doing so trying to cut off his means to fund his Community Driven operations to pay independent Pilots for their help in the construction of Prototypes and now the Proteus wave, did the weapon truly malfunction? Or was it sabotage?, for now all we can do is wait for official reports on the amount of Destruction and loss of life and to see what has come of Salvation.
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