Cmdr CMDR Loki Di-Pietro
Renegade / Freedom fighter
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette MANIAC
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Native Salikian Background

“The System of the Salikian Sovereignty Natives ”. The name comes from a distant planet in a system called Saliki Prime.
This was destroyed by a supernova of a K class star that went unstable in 2945.
Some of these natives then became what is known as Salikians Democrats in the year 3207 which became an important governing body for Salikians and many neighboring systems.
They have provided the basis for democratic freedom for Salikian citizens for almost a century.

Under legal jurisdiction by permit not recognized by the Native Salikian Sovereignty,  
Salikians and all neighboring systems were taken by a shipping company called Solar Transit Dynamics.
This company has had a great economic impact on the Salikian economy. They have provided aid and transportation of goods to boost the economy for the whole system in 3305.
They took up residence in Salikians for Pristine mining, a High-tech station, and plenty of room to expand their visions. They believe in helping out all that are in need,
offering our support to the other commanders and citizens of the Salikians and beyond. Unfortunately not the needs of the natives.

Many of the natives are now reduced to a reservation that is in dispute for control.

In 3301 a small task force,
Native Salikian Sovereignty,
was created to ensure the freedom of the people in the system and to protect a closely guarded secret that is found on the main station 'Gardner Port'.

Due to the unending greed of the corporations and the powers that control Salikians,
The Native Salikian Sovereignty was unable to secure the neighboring system that was offered in the peace contract.
Interference was rife and many resources were lost.

The native Salikian people, many of which are now outcast to the edges of the system and beyond have been distorted psychologically and have manifested unexpected physical effects.
It was known to the Salikian natives at the time that the proximity to  Salikians 2 has had an effect on their DNA.
The cause has been theorized by the Salikians democrats to be Unusual Ionising radiation combined with trace amounts of meta alloys found in the ring.
The radiation is thought to act as an evolutionary catalyst affecting only those originating from the late Salik prime.
It was found that these effects become apparent once a native has spent time away from the system for a period of time.  

Labs were created in Gardner port to synthesize a drug that enabled the natives to be able to leave for up to a year before having to return for another treatment.
The aggressive nature of the Hafnium 178 molecule is destructive to DNA alone.
Scientists of the Salikians democrats discovered a control mechanism once applied to Native DNA, gave an artificial optimizing effect that maintained the DNA once the Salikians 2 radiation was taken away.
It was found that the Mata Alloy/Haffnium molecule would become charged with the salikian radiation for a period on time therfor activating its maintaining effect.
the SH2META project had begun
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