Logbook entry

rescue orders 2

26 Feb 2019ADMRL_shuggie
Commanders log,

Stardate 3319022.6,

After successfully coordinating the full rescue of all federation survivors from RAY GATEWAY,  VOYAGER had been ordered to  the LFT 911 system for further rescue coordination of federation survivors from JOKESTER`S STATION which also had been attacked by the thargoids,

On route to this end, VOYAGER, had once again been hyperdicted by the thargoids, upon dropping from hyper space, VOYAGER  was confronted by four thargoid vessels, again they proceeded to scan VOYAGER and then leave without altercation, again this is unusual, i had the opinion, that they were an agressive species and would attack without warning or mercy.

Again this was not the case and it actually felt, after the initial fear of course, it felt some what friendly and i had defonately felt a sense of curiosity, like they were simply interested in learning about us.

This further adds to my previous thought, maybe they had taken the same action with another human vessel and the commander had panicked and fired on the alien ship, of course this is only an opinion of one commander but it seems to fit the bill.

VOYAGER, had gone to the LFT 911 system and successfully evacuated all the federation survivors before heading back to SOL for further analysis of these actions by the thargoids.

End log.
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