Logbook entry

Promotion to rear admiral

28 Feb 2019ADMRL_shuggie
Commanders log,

Stardate 3319022.8,

Commander shuggiebhoy4540 has been ordered to SOL for promotion to REAR ADMIRAL this is due to his help with rescue operations and data delivery, for the federation.

Finally i get my hands on the USS YAMATO NCC 71807 X, she is a great ship and she will serve well in federation diplomatic missions, ferrying VIP federation officials to various diplomatic meetings.

She has been engineered slightly but nothing too much, she will not be used as a battle ship like her sister ship the ENTERPRISE, she is well capable in that role but commander shuggiebhoy sees her more of a diplomatic flagship for the federation.

The rank of REAR ADMIRAL is an honour to have and i will continue to serve the federation as best i can.

End log.
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