Logbook entry

Impending borg attack

28 Sep 2021ADMRL_shuggie
Commanders log:

stardate: 3321092.8:

since the return of the uss voyager from the delta quadrant, and the information, given regarding the borg, it seems, the borg are comming, orders from an unknown, higher rank in starfleet have been given to build a highly experimental ship, capible of defeating the borg,.

No one knows who has given these orders, only that it comes from the highest levels in starfleet.

The ship has been built, in a classified top secret location and tested in battle against unknown ships, in an unknown location, the only information, availible is, the ship is performing better than anything starfleet has ever seen and leaked information would suggest, its shields, armour modules and weapons are far beyond starfleets capability, leading to questions being asked of, who has provided these weapon blueprints.

The ship, as far as starfleet understands is performing well and its commander, who no one knows, is performing to a high standard, no more information on this, is available at this time and any further information has been denied by starfleet higherarchy.

End log
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