Cmdr EpsilonNiner
Explorer / Freelancer
Registered ship name
Fgs Survey Team
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer FGS-25
Overall assets
Flat Galaxy Society
Edmund Mahon

Logbook entry

Surprise holiday

18 Apr 2022EpsilonNiner
// Attempting login. . .
// Credentials Accepted.
// Logbook A01-D001 / CMDR Epsilon Niner / Ship ID HE-202 / Ship Name "Havoc Explorer"
// Initiating log loading process. . . done.
// Synchronising logbook. . . done.

[Beginning audio logbook speech to text recognition.]
=== 18th April 3308 ===

"Well, thats it, I need a break. Weeks of non-stop material searching and mining just so I can engineer my ship, so far I've only managed about half of what's needed, some of the crap that's required is harder to find than a friendly Thargoid, I was hoping to have all my materials done in time for the next exhibition out into the unknown but, yeah, that ain't gonna be happening, the constant searching for even the most basic raw materials is just tiring and sitting in the pilots seat is really starting to make my ass hurt.

So, just to get away from the repetative grind of searching, mining, repeat, I've decided to take the next couple of weeks off to do some fun exploration and head out to Beagle Point, Nav system says it'll be three days and just over fifteen hundred jumps to get out there if I'm doing back to back jumps, which I will not be, at the time of recording I'm just under a thousand light-years into my seventy-two thousand light-year trip, if I remember I'll take some pretty pictures to decorate the carrier when I return, but first I need to find somewhere to restock my heatsinks because stupid me flew a *little* bit close to a couple of stars on my way out because I got distracted..

...Computer, set reminder 'synth some heatsinks'..

There, might as well make a reminder just in case I do forget somehow.

Anyway I'm getting tired and it's gotta be getting late, though time is relative when you're lightyears away from home, but I'll be signing out for the night.
Epsilon out."
[Ending audio logbook speech to text recognition.]
// Log end.
// Logging out User Epsilon Niner. . . done.
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