Cmdr EpsilonNiner
Explorer / Freelancer
Registered ship name
Fgs Survey Team
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer FGS-25
Overall assets
Flat Galaxy Society
Edmund Mahon

Logbook entry

Distress Beacons

22 Apr 2022EpsilonNiner
// Attempting login. . .
// Credentials Accepted.
// Logbook A01-D003 / CMDR Epsilon Niner / Ship ID HE-202 / Ship Name "Havoc Explorer"
// Initiating log loading process. . . done.
// Synchronising logbook. . . done.

[Beginning audio logbook speech to text recognition.]
=== 22nd April 3308 ===

"Before heading straight to the distress beacons I thought I'd play it safe and do a planetary scan for any ships that couldn't send out a signal, and I'm glad I did, there's a couple of 'minor wreckages' on the surface that I can check out after the rescue.

So far I have found two life pods, gonna be calling for the Lazy Songbird to come and collect them and transport the survivors to the nearest station for medical treatment

The first ship, an ASP Explorer by the looks of it, I investigated had a couple of canisters of personal weapons and a canister of narcotics, so for my safety, I think I'm going to keep the life pods collected from there locked and kept in stasis, the last thing I want is to be ship jacked out in the middle of nowhere.

Additional updates to follow.
Epsilon out"
[Ending audio logbook speech to text recognition.]
// Log end.
// Logging out User Epsilon Niner. . . done.
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