Cmdr EpsilonNiner
Explorer / Freelancer
Registered ship name
Fgs Survey Team
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer FGS-25
Overall assets
Flat Galaxy Society
Edmund Mahon

Logbook entry

Distress Beacons Pt.2

22 Apr 2022EpsilonNiner
// Attempting login. . .
// Credentials Accepted.
// Logbook A01-D003-1 / CMDR Epsilon Niner / Ship ID HE-202 / Ship Name "Havoc Explorer"
// Initiating log loading process. . . done.
// Synchronising logbook. . . done.

// Log Update
[Beginning audio logbook speech to text recognition.]
"Just got to the second distress beacon, 5x Life Pods, wreckage looks like it was blown to shit with at least a dozen missiles before it got ripped apart on reentry to the planet, all life pods seem to be intact, vital readings are green, all CMDR's are in stasis and will remain like that until I can get them to a medical station, Cpt. Baldwin estimates at least an hour before the Lazy Songbird arrives, so in the meantime, I will continue searching the wreckage for survivors and report back.
Epsilon out."
[Ending audio logbook speech to text recognition.]
// Log end.
// Logging out User Epsilon Niner. . . done.
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