Cmdr EpsilonNiner
Explorer / Freelancer
Registered ship name
Fgs Survey Team
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer FGS-25
Overall assets
Flat Galaxy Society
Edmund Mahon

Logbook entry

First real job

25 May 2024EpsilonNiner
// Attempting login. . .
// Credentials Accepted.
// Logbook A01-D004-1 / CMDR Epsilon Niner / Ship ID HS375 / Ship Name "Drybeck"
// Initiating log loading process. . . done.
// Synchronising logbook. . . done.

// Log Update
[Beginning audio logbook speech to text recognition.]
"As of 21:10 UTC I have finally completed my official seal training and now a proud member of the HullSeals, Ship "Drybeck" ID formerly DB-76A is to be changed to HS753 in accordance to Seal Registration details.

And on the topic of the Drybeck, System, set a reminder to 'double check the power settings and engines, ship seemed a little sluggish during training'
[Reminder set.]

Right with that out of the way, it's time to get back to working on the Cydonia and get her combat ready, it's been too long since I got to take out a few pirates, managed to upgrade her shields to bi-weave but that's not enough to keep me out of trouble, looks like her beam lasers have been overheating so I need to take a look at that.
Epsilon out."
[Ending audio logbook speech to text recognition.]
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