Logbook entry

Waiting for the flip

08 Nov 2021Zerstorer Shima
Here we go again, just sitting around waiting to fill up the databanks with sensitive data. Takes the faction leaders here forever to make up their minds on what they need, but seems a good a time as any to fiddle with this logbook.

Bet the local pirates would love to get a hold of my computer, shame for them that they'll never catch this courier. The factions seem to want them eradicated here pretty bad, shame they don't have landing pads big enough for the big guns here. I'd love to see the look on their faces when they think they realize that Type 9 they've been poking at is actually a Type 10. Maybe it is time to bring down the HoneyPot to Mainani.

Right now I'm just earning those brownie points so I can get Gutmaya to sell me that cursed behemoth. Honorary Duke is all it takes, eh? Move some stored data around for a bit without letting the riff-raff catch you seems you can get that paperwork signed in no time.

Well crap. New mission boards are up. No new courier missions but plenty of space left on the ship. Plenty of pirate missions though. Maybe it really is time to switch up careers...
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