Logbook entry


03 Sep 2023Crisneb2000
My name is Samantha River, everyone calls me Sammy around here,
I'm living in the outer colonies from the bubble with my parents and grandparents on a surface station, more like a small city in a planet that barely has an atmosphere and if you go out side without a suit it was not going to be pretty, my mom is a independent Pilot Flying for aegis.
My Dad is working in a fleet carrier transporting goods from the bubble to The Colony.
And I'm studying to become a independent pilot like my mom finally after turning 16 getting in a startup course.

It all happened so quickly. The Thargoids attacked our system a few hours after the starghoid arrived near ours, our AX forces mounted a valiant effort but it didn't hold for long, multiple confirmed thargoids hydras interceptors in the system, they say they're hard to fight and indeed they were, my mom told me story's about an entire wings of cutters being destroyed by 2 hydras an that scared me knowing they were here.

The evacuation order came soonly after.
I remember, we were boarding a orca a luxury pleasure ship, it was drafted in to evacuation duty by the SFC ( station Flight Control) the previous ocupants were not happy when we got in side their luxurious cabin,
and when we were getting ready to launch, the other ship a beluga was rammed by the goddamn Thargoid punching it inside the docking bay whith a massive explosion following.

Our takeoff was aborted and we were ordered to go to our safe and panic rooms. I didn't know what to expect. I was cut off. Me and my grandpa were diverted to an old maintenance tunnel that allowed access to the sewers of the facility, It was a small section of the sewers separated from the rest of the complex.

It was Secure, we had resources food, water and booze, we found out this was a smuggling hideout , How interesting we are going to survive thanks to Smugglers.
We ended up be capable of sealing the entry so no one or thing can get in or out.
In terms of oxygen supply, we have a scriber capable of recycling oxygen the problem was it was an old device that were designed for emergency use without using electricity but were not expected to last long, not that would stop working but the oxygen will Start to get thinner and our lungs aren't capable of grabbing it, but it was not a problem the engineer said we have 3 to 4 weeks of it and a rescue mission would come before that.
The food and water were maybe a problem only 3 of water and 2 of food plus a decade of Lavigny’s licor.
That reminds me ,we are 7 people locked in a space as big as a 1bed apartment, 2 engineers Gregory and James, 2 pilots Williams and Lando, me and my grandfather plus a security officer Alice.

I'm scared. I don't know what to expect. Are they coming to rescue us? Are the thargoids going to find us. I just want to see my mommy and my daddy again. I'm so scared.

Day 1.

We heard multiple human screams, non-human screams as well.
I think the thargoids just entered the facility and are killing everyone inside. It's getting really, really hot in here. We needed to close the vents or may risk Bing found by them, and the life support of the station is failing any way so no fresh air for us from the vents, are the thargoids trying to kill us all by letting us suffocate?

Day 2.

It's dark in here. We can barely see. The main reactor is offline and the solar panels are not enough to keep the station working resulting in the battery's being worked to death, Gregory said they were install during the construction of the station but were not designed to power it completely only aiding during the construction of the massive fusion reactor, then were leave as a redundancy since the solar panels only have an efficiency of 43% and our little Rock only has 6 hours of day light. At least the food is not that bad were actually federation and impirial military MREs probably good money on the smuggling market I thought to myself, and they let me try a little bit of That Lavigny’s liquor and it was so good.

They say a rescue mission should be coming very soon. I don't know how soon that is but I hope it's really fast. I don't like this feeling of being stranded in the dark.

Day 5.

Everything is so quiet.

After the fourth day of screaming and questionable noises. Everything became so quiet. We don't have access to any computer only a few panels without graphics cards simple lines of code . So we cannot access the cameras to see if the thargoids or any humans were still alive or out there. James was capable of reprogramming the computer to display data from motion sensors and rewrite them as lines in the monitor like if you were looking to a elevation map combined with a radar: for example if you had a room full of stuff you wouldn't see nothing but if anything moved you would see it. That's when we saw something ginormous moving around, we knew that wasn't human and they were caring something flat like a escape pod from one place to another.

Day 7

One week go's by and no signs of human life out there or a rescue mission, the battarys oficialy died and we only get 6 hours of weak power and each time it goes down james needs to recode the computer to allow us to see in side the station, the thargoids are still out there we can see them carrying their boxes around, well one week of food and 2 of water still left I'm still positive some one is going to come trying to rescue us.
You probably are wondering when I said I leaved with my parents why is only my grandpa here, well my grandmother died a few years ago, lost a fight to a cancer, she was one of the first Pioneer she and my grandpa helped build more then 10 colonies but back then the space suits were not perfect and allow bits of ionizing radiation from stars to go through the body and do massive damage to the DNA of a person that's why she passed way do to cancer and somehow my dad and granddad didn't got sick, and this is the story of my grandparents from my dad's side.
I never met the one's from my mother side apparently after she left the empire they never spoke again.

Day 10

For 2 days straight we neither saw anything in the monitor or heard a thing, so the 2 pilot's are planning to try reach a ship, they are willing to go out side and check if the orca or any other ship is still here and functional. Alice and Lando said that a rescue mission might not happen since no one knows we are still here and resources may be diverted to systems under attack not to lost one's like ours, we are hoping that the thargoids are a sleep or hibernating whith luck maybe left.
They are waiting for the sunrise in order to be capable of refueling the ship if need be and if they can't find a working ship they will try send an SOS through the communication center informing there are still survivors here.
Gregory and John started cutting the weld in the door way that have kept us safe, at least there is atmosphere in side the station but for precaution every one put their emergency oxygen masks on.
After they got out the engineers started re welding the door back again just in case while me and Alice were watching the sensors trying to following the pilot's, when Gregory finished welding Lando and William separated what was not part of the plan. Lando was goin in the direction of the communication center while William was going in the direction of the hangars.
Apparently they decided to split up in order to cover more ground said James.
After Lando got inside the communication center the entire station lost power, Gregory screamed immediately after "that idiot just tried to use the main antenna instead of the emergency one and just fried the communication array" unfortunately a few minutes after we just heard a kinetic rifle fire followed by multiple screams from lando and the thargoids, we just heard a single shot from the plasma rifle William's was carring and we all knew what that meant.

Day 17

We just run out of food, we only have water now plus my grandfather started breathing faster then normal, meaning the air is starting getting thinner, James is also not filling good, complaining of pain in his chest.
We saw the thargoids moving boxes again in the monitor, we figured out those boxes probably carried humans inside like Lando and Williams bodies.
I lost hope, we are gonna die here, only if my mom was still here, aegis told us she was listed as missing after the proteus wave fiasco and I still believe that I would see her again, what a fool I was.

Day 25

James didn't woke up today, Gregory and Alice put him inside a body bag and sealed it with tape, Alice said soon James body was going to start to stink, and my grandpa can't move any more, also is getting harder to breathe all of us try to move the least possible trying to conserve oxygen, Alice was the only one that didn't lost her hope, she believed she as going to see her son again and always try to cheer us up, how futile at this point I thought to my self.

Day 27

My grandfather died today and we just finished sealed his body inside the bag with tape, I'm starving and our water is running out, I heard those two arguing about something but didn't pay much attention and I couldn't focus any more, I'm tired.

Day 28

I woke up with Alice putting a piece of paper on top of me, I was so disoriented that only noticed when they closed the door from outside and start welding, I screamed to not leave me behind but they kept welding, only when they stopped I heard Alice talking to me saying "good luck, we hope you survive this, good bye." In the letter they explained by leaving I would have more oxygen and water plus one final MRE they found under a maintenance panel, plus a few words for their families and hope I could survive to tell what happened here.
This is going to be my last entry and if any one finds this, we fought to stay alive the longer we could until the end.

This is a special report from VSF agent 36, captain Gustav Richard.

We just finished clearing the upper levels of the station when echo team found 2 human bodies in the lower levels, as is usual, we didn'd find any survivors, nor more human or thargoid bodies. this place is a mess the thargoids we're busy redecorating the house unfortunately there is none here to explain why, all of them evacuated when we took over the system, we also found a type of pod, 1 meters high by 1 meter wide by 2 meter long attached to the walls of the station, it appears to be a type of cocoon or container, it contains a white liquid which we have no idea what it is, more analysis are necessary to determine the contents of these pods.
34 days of occupation and they think this is their home.
The 2 bodies we found, one engineer and a security officer, they died relatively recently, probably managed to hide some were safe and just run out of air, "wait, what did you find on her? what? Where? GO NOW!!! "
We just found a message in the body of the security officer that indicates that might be a survivor, a little girl in the sewers sealed inside a chamber.

Final report.

We found the chamber listed in the message, after we got inside we found 2 bodies in side body bags, plus the body of Samantha River sitting against a wall with a personal log in one hand telling the story of what happened here and a note from the 2 we found out side, the girl passed away 2 days ago, we were late by 2 fracking days, she survived for a month and 2 days under thargoid occupation.
We are already in contact with the families of the 5 found in the station.
I gave the bad news to the father of the girl, he actually worked for us in our merchant navy so was easy to find, he was devastated, he quitted his job and enlisted in the vektan navy probably trying to get revenge for what happened, i hope he can find closure and peace after all of this.
At the very least thanks to Sammy log we found that thargoids are Indeed taking humans, further analysis determine that the contents of the pods found on the walls of the station contain human DNA, we do not know the functionality of this liquid, our specialist theorize that it could be fuel for the thargoid ships or food for their civilization, we are also not sure if the occupants of the pods were placed inside dead or alive, the data at least indicates that the number of pods is not enough for the station's inhabitants who were unable to escape, indicating that many were taken by the thargoids out of the station.
If we don't unite as a specie to fight this war now it might be to later after.

This was captain Gustav in charge of 305 VSFG assigned to the VNS Retribution logging off.
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