Logbook entry

Salvation, xenos and their simpathisers

23 Jul 2022Buuhanon
By this moment all of you heard of who is Salvation and what are his plans for the destiny of thargoids. It doesn't look pretty - but it is necessary.

At the moment, when they can potentially present any threat to humankind, its industry, infrastructure and the safety of civilization, they are deemed to be eliminated. What we know from the survival of thargoids - they eliminate whatever presents a danger to them. Preventive action to kill, to preserve their own kind.
We can of course, discuss amorality and lack of our own rights to combine xenocide - however, at the moment we have to strike and strike hard! Thargoids shall be eliminated from our habitable space, which belongs to us. Destroy, salvage and study their ships, conquer them and push them off their "land". And only when we will bring peace to space, then we could rest.

Even if the act of xenocide is immoral, we still shall go along. Wipe them out and ensure the survival of our species. This is why thargoid-sympathisers shall be deemed as traitors of their own kind. Drove out of human habitat bubble, out into the void which belongs to goids. If they fight with human vessels in conflict zones, then they do not deserve mere resources wasted to create their ship!
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