Logbook entry

What is this "Eye of Terror"?

12 Aug 2022Buuhanon
//---Initiating a log---
//---Location: HIP 22460
//--- Commander Buuhanon---
//---Date 12.08.3308---

The aftermath after the battle. We witnessed what this weapon was capable off - from both sides of the stick. However, I heard people hypothesizing that this Eye of Terror is a portal! Hah, what a joke!
Sorry, it's just a reaction I get every time hearing such theory. All theories are in consideration.

To understand what this device does, we have to bear in mind few factors.
-There is a lot of guardian technology, which probably was assimilated, as we now know, recently Guardian Relics instead of being rejected, simply transforms guardian tech into some sort of hybrid, which is not really guardian, and not really thargoid.. something what thargoids present hostility to.
-HIP 22460 is unsuitable for ANY Guardian technology. Whatever you have there, will be melted down completely, even in super-cruise.
-This process requires a lot of energy. Azimuth had to charge up the whole installation for it to fire. So, it most likely will either run out of energy eventually or will go for a while.
-All this energy of course produces heat. It is simply a universal rule. Lots of light = lots of heat. Just like we fire lasers, a very concentrated light.
-This process was successful previously. However, failed this time.

Thus.. lets begin. What we are seeing approaching HIP 22460 twin planets - is the bright.. green light bursting from the planet and Thunder kilometres around its surface. This surge is literally seen from orbit - I have never seen anything so bright seen from the planet. Perhaps.. nuclear explosion could be seen like that from orbit. But no conventional sources could produce soo much light! However, it's also fair to say that what we see, is nothing like a conventional source of light or energy. It is something completely alien, and we yet can not understand what is this.

Approaching this "Eye of Terror" we can observe the bright.. very bright epicentre, that quite literally cuts the sky in two.
Furthermore, some sort of plasma or green distortion looms over the planet from the epicentre. It does seem as if hot material is being thrown from the centre around the planet.. It could be so, due to the immense power of this "technology destroyer", that thargoids basically assimilated.
Through assimilation of this technology, as it does similar to what we intended, but focuses a different kind of technologies, we can judge that it did not completely alter it's functions to some sort of teleportation, but rather produces electro-magnetic.. or perhaps something unknown to us, what targets only thargoid technology on the constant.

In conclusion, what we can defiantly say - is Thargoid Wave, or Eye of Terror by no means presents itself as a worm-hole, teleport or something like that. We can quite confidently say, that it has the same functions as a "Proteous Wave" was supposed to, but it is simply altered in thargoid benefits. Thus, it will carry on the work, pushing guardian based-technology our of the system. What is curious, is whether thargoids realise that it is a completely different kind of beings who uses thargoids technology. Due to our overwhelming use of Guardian technology to fight thargoids - it is fair to say that they have at least understood how much we use it against them. Question is, whether they realise that we are a different kind of species, or they think we are Guardians, their descendent or evolved and survived guardians - this is unknown.

//---Closing commander's log---
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