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To kill a witch - you have to use silver

27 Aug 2022Buuhanon
You know it. Witch is not dead, Salvation might be old, and he might be very much missing for some time. However, do you remember what did he said? That his mission is to bring humankind salvation.
His mission is not over yet. The body that was found there, is nothing, but fake. We all know that he wasn't present on Bright Sentinel. Have you ever seen him? I haven't!
He lived extra 200 years for this moment, and he failed to deliver salvation - but if he already waited so long... another 200 years are nothing.

Have you ever heard of machines? Why we don't use Artificial intelligence? It can rebell.. but what if Salvation will become the machine? His body eventually will fail, but our genius have to remain to guide humanity further! It is impossible that he is dead. Witch is quite a smart person, and he has definitely made a pact with Devil.
Of course, he is still human, highly modified, prolonged with stem-cells human, which greatly outlived his generation. And he is mortal. But again, he made it this far! Why wouldn't he use this momentum to pretend to be dead? I know - I know, he tested on humans, but he had to do it in order to succeed over alien mind. Thus, I predict that he will start to do something more, kidnap people, test something - but he will eventually come back.

To kill him, thargoid will have to use something way more complex, than just firing into his ship.
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