Raising the Black Flag
26 Feb 2022Streya Jormagdnir
So I have a confession to make. I simply have to, as people are trying to pin titles on me after my above average performance in Summerland. Even if governments or movements do not retain some form of honesty with themselves, I will.I fought at the battle of Mudhrid, for the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid. I was frustrated that Aisling Duval was not making rapid enough progress in the movement for liberation, and the Marlinists had been making some solid points about returning to the roots of Achenar, to a republic. Slavery is not a practice for a modern and honorable people, said in one tone, but then no direct action to make it so in the land of praxis. So during that war, I picked up my guns and battle rattle for the side that would ultimately be losing, but the one I felt closer to.
Then the news broke about the Omega Beacons, and I went out to scan them. Uncovering the truth, that the entire movement was just to position the Empire into a more moderate Senatorial republic as a compromise, I nearly lost control of my ship. When the reprisals were issued by the Emperor and green-light given to mow down the puppet masters taking us for cat's paws, I took to a frenzy. For country? For honor? For rewards? My heart was broken and trust violated, and I wasn't having it anymore. I do not take kindly to being double-crossed, and if I can profit in destroying my betrayers then all the better. But it was clear by the end of the war that the NMLA and movement for actual direct action towards liberation was over. We lost, the boots won.
Not even Grebegus is free of tyranny, with the Teletes Citizen Forum dominating and the Spice Smugglers fading into the deepest depths of the underground. Fortunately one of my merc contacts got me hooked up with a last refuge. A mercenary group that follows a man who truly understand that political power and freedom are derived from the barrel of a gun and the might of your will: Black Widow
Until the stars fade, the Empire will always be where I grew up and called home. But for now, my new home is among the Kumo Crew! Learning how to fly dangerously will surely be the medicine my heart needs.