Logbook entry

Thoughts on my journey so far and planning for the path ahead.

26 Apr 2023Mizuki Kobayashi
Coming back recently to my ships and gear, it feels good. I spent 65 weeks away due to family matters back in Diaguandri.

My thoughts turn towards the Thargoid invasion and I wonder how did it come to this. I wish past interactions had been more peaceful and I still hold some hope that peace can be achieved. Perhaps I should join the fight for a while since the conflict doesn't seem to be abating any time soon. It would also prove myself to Lori Jameson. As I sit in the concourse of the CB-56 Colonia Bridge, I think it's best to take stock of what I have.

At this point I've:
(1) Built a good relationship with all ship engineers except Lori Jameson
(2) Travelled twice to Colonia
(3) Built a good reputation as an independent contractor with both the Empire and Federation
(4) Earned enough credits and have a modest collection of ships, including the Anaconda, the Federation Corvette, and the Imperial Cutter
(5) Fully engineered my Diamondback Explorer, Python, Anaconda (exploration), Anaconda (anti-xeno), Corvette, and Cutter
It's been a good journey, but there's still a long path ahead.
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