Logbook entry

AL.D operations log #3

AL.D operations log #3

We're almost half way to Colonia now, I decided to take The Purple Hoser for scouting runs ahead of each carrier jump.

I'll admit, I didn't expect to find much... but here we are.

I just arrived in the NYEAJAAE DC-T D4-41 system, I was the first to discover it!
It had three stars, one gas giant and three planet fall moons... but it also had a Notable Steller Phenomena!
I went to check it out and was surprised to find the crystals inside the rings of the gas giant!
There were crystals and some kind of bio-mechanical pods that clicked and moved if you got to close to them.
I fully mapped the system before resuming the trip to Colonia.

Capitan Altitude E. signing off.
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