Cmdr Wolfgang Maxson
Enforcer / Mercenary
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Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

[For those we've lost, for those we can yet save] - Part 1

01 Nov 2021Wolfgang Maxson
It has been six months since Yuuki von Preussen disappeared. Shortly after Saturn Division joined the Empire, her ship 'Hudson' went missing after engaging its frame shift drive near Aditi. We have searched for her every day since then, mostly to no avail, until today. Fortunately we found the SDN Hudson adrift in space, but the Chancellor wasn't with the ship. As a result, Saturn Division convened an emergency meeting. Effective immediately, Yuuki von Preussen is declared Missing in Action and I have been named acting Chancellor.

I'm not really the type to be a figurehead, nor am I a diplomat. I am an Enforcer first and a Mercenary second. The Officers felt this duty was one I'm a fit for so I will perform it to the best of my ability. Under the prior Chancellor's leadership, this outfit focused on espionage. Those days are behind us. It is time for us to take a place in the sun. We will face our foes head on, with courage and tenacity, waving the Imperial banner proudly. This I vow.

Acting Chancellor Wolfgang Maxson
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