Cmdr Wolfgang Maxson
Enforcer / Mercenary
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Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

[For those we've lost, for those we can yet save] - Part 2

05 Nov 2021Wolfgang Maxson
Early yesterday, we received word that Admiral Tanner had deployed the Musashi to T Tauri. He believes direct action must be taken against Salvation and that Hind Base contains evidence of Salvation's unlicensed Thargoid weapons having been deliberately designed to provoke the Thargoids. We believe this deployment is illegal and in violation of the mission of Aegis. As acting Chancellor of Saturn Division I ordered the immediate deployment of the Saturn Division Navy to T Tauri. Our current mission is to protect others from Federation aggression and safeguard imperial interests. My hope is that this situation can be resolved peacefully with the withdrawal of the Musashi and her return to Federation territory. If not, we will use all tools at our disposal to protect Taurus Mining Ventures and safeguard human life. Our fleet is ready to launch at a moments notice, at the first sign of fighting. We oppose the overreach of the Federation and welcome any willing to stand against their tyranny.

Chancellor Wolfgang Maxson
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