Cmdr Pyrexes Irae
Bounty hunter / Aisling guardian
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Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Story of The Bounty Hunter / Season 1 - Hunger for Revenge / Episode 3 - Savior of the Kindred

11 Nov 2021Pyrexes Irae
Sleeping is so difficult for me. For weeks, every day, every night, same dreams, same nightmares, and same feelings... Maybe it is because of I was sleeping for 100 years or my brain still trying to adapt to the new reality, not sure. I knew that I need to take my revenge first. Maybe after that, I can have peaceful sleep. In that time I decided to make a little bit of research about how I can go to Imperial Space.

I realized there is a much better option than Empire. Aisling Duval's commitment was looking more sincere than the rest of Imperial's philosophy. She banned slavery even. I liked it. It's a really nice step. That's why I need to collect more credits to upgrade my ship and my loadout. I'm totally sure Aisling Duval's area is not so safe but it's not a problem for me.

I have an idea, some people who I met on the way told me extraction areas are offering big opportunities for bounty hunters. I decided to keep safe my old kindreds. While looking for revenge I can keep safe other traders and miners as much as possible. It's kind of dangerous they said Hah! I do not have any fear. They need to be afraid of me! I give my word that I will be their biggest nightmare! I decided to a location to check. Now I'm going there. I hope I can find some people from that terrorist group to have a little bit of information to follow to the source...

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