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The Grind leads to new discovery

25 Mar 2024littlecrickit
Ive started that long hard road to grind materials. My goal is to have all grade 5 and grade 4 mats full before the python mk2 arrives. The idea is to have enough materials saved up in my pockets to not have to worry about upgrading these new ships when they come out. That being said, i now find myself 1,500 ly from what we know as the bubble in a little system called HIP 36601. I seem to have located sites, sites that bare plentiful amounts of just what I'm looking for. With all these G4 materials that ill be coming home with I'm sure I will be able to locate a local trader to trade down. With a little luck and smart engineering I hope to survive the invasion and have four new fully built ships to look at in my hanger bay by the end of the year... littlecrickit, signing off.
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