Logbook entry

First Log - 28.11.3307

28 Nov 2021Marsxenon
> Open Log Recorder
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Logs\Log Recorder\Log_Recorder.exe\> Open - Log Recorder Initiated
> Create New Log Entry
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Logs\Log Recorder\Log_Recorder.exe\> Initiate - [Recording ◉]

GENERAL LOG - 28.11.3307

I decided to start logging my experiences here on Inara because there is just something incredible to me about the amount of content worthy of being logged in Elite Dangerous as if they were real discoveries by real explorers. As much as it is different than how we do it here in the United States, I am going to keep track of the date in DD/MM/YY format. I will start recording the many things I find on my adventures starting today. I look forward to seeing how this goes. I also think I will label things based off of their content, GENERAL for general stuff, EXPLORATION for things I discover when I explore, and possibly TRADE when I go credit grinding. Maybe even EVENT for when I participate in community goals and events. I hope to see even more interesting things in this incredible game worth logging. o7 CMDRs.

> End Log Entry
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Logs\Log Recorder\Log_Recorder.exe\> End Recording- Recording Ended
> Close Log Recorder
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Logs\Log Recorder\Log_Recorder.exe\> Close - Closing
> Log Saved, Goodbye Commander
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