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Space Crystals - 1.12.3307

06 Dec 2021Marsxenon
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Today I decided to go out looking for Metallic Crystals. As much as I would find it even more interesting to find them by myself, that takes a lot of time and it would be very boring. Because of this, I've been using the locations in the codex to discover them. Either way, I decided to head out to Wredguia SX-L D7-92. I actually also found something interesting there: two Earth-like worlds orbiting each other, orbiting the main star of the system as a pair. They were identified as A 5 and A 6. I feel like these are actually the first Earth-like worlds I've discovered on my own, even though the first Earth-like world I found, unintentionally mind you, had a station around it and was part of my mission grind for the Federation Rear Admiral rank. Anyway, looking at the navigation list, I identified two "Notable Stellar Phenomena", which I reasoned were the crystals. I flew to one of them, which was around 106,000 Ls away I believe. Upon arrival, I saw a cluster of spikey things floating. They looked like more intense naval mines. Upon closer inspection they seemed to carry a small cloud around them, because as I flew through there were particles going past me, as if I was flying through atmospheric clouds. The spikes here were Green and Purple in color. I neared one of the purple crystals, deployed the Composition Scanner, and identified the crystal chunk as Purpurenum Metallic Crystals. Doing the same thing with the green crystals, I identified the chunk as Prasinum Metallic Crystals. The actual size of them was very interesting. I stopped moving my ship and listened closely. They sounded like large chunks of rock or ice shifting. The crystals themselves rotated very slowly as they floated in space. According to the codex they are formed by large amounts of "primordial microorganisms." I find this perplexing, and I have questions. 1) What microorganisms can survive in space like this? Are they something similar to Tardigrades or are they Tardigrades? 2) What kind of chemical reactions are taking place that allow microorganisms to create metals? Perhaps they are a mix of metals and non-metals instead of just straight metal crystals? 3) Even then, what are the microorganisms using as fuel for the reactions to create new crystals? These crystals are forming in deep space, so its not like there is an abundance of minerals or chemicals in the region. I've also been thinking about how they actually move. Perhaps the cause of their movement is similar to planets? Perhaps the initial chemical reactions that created the crystals produced enough energy to begin rotation movement. As the reactions progressed at nearly likely similar speeds, the mass of the crystal chunk increased and increased inertia, and the crystal kept rotating even if the chemical reactions may have stopped. Either way, I moved on to the second "Notable Stellar Phenomena" contact point, which was around 200-300 Ls away if I remember correctly. As I came out of Supercruise, I noticed a much more different color palette in these crystals. There were an abundance of Purpurenum crystals, but also vibrant red colored crystals. After scanning, I identified Rubenum Metallic Crystals. I also found a peculiar pair of crystal chunks, a Purpurenum and Rubenum crystal chunk intertwined in each other. Of course, they clipped through each other because of the game physics, but still an interesting find. My next goal is to jump to another system that the codex lists, so that I can find the fourth type of Metallic Crystals. I already know what the name is but I will confirm it here in a log when I find it. I'm also not totally sure what I should look for next. Should I go looking for Biological signs so I can sell them to Vista Genomics? Do I go looking for Lagrange Clouds which have interested me the moment I found out about them? Do I go looking for the P or Q type anomalies? Or do I just head home and try to grind some credits for a Federal Corvette? I'm not sure.

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UPDATE 1 - 6.12.3307

I decided to update my last log instead of just creating a new one, for the sake of continuity. First, I wanted to point out something I realized after I discovered the first 3 Metallic Crystals. Remember when I said that I was flying through some kind particles that reminded me of atmospheric clouds? Well I found out that that was actually a Lagrange Cloud. I looked in my Codex later, and saw that I had discovered a Proto-Lagrange Cloud. This makes sense because Proto means "original or primitive", and that's exactly what this was. It was a larger Lagrange cloud at the initial stages of it's life. The particles weren't very dense and it was colorless, so I guess Lagrange Clouds gain their color and density over time. I went out to a different system, Wredguia WQ-S b31-0 to be precise. This system is not the one listed in the Codex as the first location where the 4th type of metallic crystals were discovered, but it was the closest to my location. I decided to look up the nearest locations where they could be found, and this one was in the Wredguia region/sector, and decided to head there. I believe it was 3 or 4 jumps to get there. As usual, I arrived, locked onto the "Notable Stellar Phenomena" and let Supercruise Assist take over. What caught my attention while I waited was how close I was getting to a planet's rings. The rings themselves also seemed to be experiencing a glitch because they looked rainbow from far away, but turned light blue as I got closer. It turns out the location of the phenomena was inside the rings. Upon coming out of Supercruise, I saw a small patch of empty area in the rings of ice. I got closer and saw the metallic crystals hiding in the darkness. There was a mix of the 4th type and Prasinum Metallic Crystals in this area. I approached one of the 4th type, which looked to be a tan or brass colored crystal. I scanned it with my Composition Scanner, and the 4th type was revealed in the Codex: Flavum Metallic Crystals. I now have all 4 types of metallic crystals catalogued. I decided I wanted to do a bit more exploring, so I went out looking for anomalies. I will go into more detail about that in a later log. Until then, I will import some of the images I took of the various types of Metallic Crystals and their surroundings. Until next time, o7 CMDRs.

Purpurenum Metallic Crystals:

> Import Image: Purpurenum
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Images\20211201233059_1.jpg\> Import

Prasinum Metallic Crystals:

> Import Image: Prasinum
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Images\20211201233328_1.jpg\> Import

Rubenum Metallic Crystals:

> Import Image: Rubenum
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Images\20211201233328_1.jpg\> Import

Flavum Metallic Crystals:

> Import Image: Flavum
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Images\20211203100643_1.jpg\> Import

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> Log Saved, Goodbye Commander
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