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Anomalies - 8.12.3307

08 Dec 2021Marsxenon
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As I mentioned in a previous log, I am making a dedicated log covering my discoveries of the different types of anomalies that can be found in the galaxy. Before, I believed there were only two types of anomalies that could be found, P-Type and Q-Type. Really, I should have known better. Why pick two of random letters from the alphabet? Why not A or B? Well that's because there are several other types not listed in the Codex currently. E, K, L, and T-Type Anomalies can also be found. As of yet, I'm not sure what they look like, what colors they exhibit, or what kinds of fields or pulses they generate when you get your ship close to them. I also think I need to go back and investigate the anomalies in Elite Dangerous: Horizons as well, since I've only seen them with the Odyssey graphics, and the depictions I've seen of them look a lot different than what I've seen. Images taken in Horizons seem to show the anomalies with a noticeable border or outline around the 'cloud' that contains the anomaly itself. Either way, I will go into some more detail about what I saw with the other anomalies. First of all, I have only catalogued the Q-Type Anomalies that are listed in the Codex, those being the Q04, Q08, and Q09-Type anomalies. I first went after a Q08-Type Anomaly that was reported in HIP 15310. Upon arrival to the "Notable Stellar Phenomena" marker, I couldn't really see much. I was immediately able to observe some Rubenum Metallic Crystals in a Proto-Lagrange Cloud, but not much else. As I flew closer to the marker, I started noticing lights which previously looked like stars in the distance starting to become more visible and getting closer. These were the anomalies. I thought that anomalies were isolated findings, but it was apparent after finding the other Q-Type variants that anomalies can be found in clusters, similar to Metallic Crystals. I approached the closest anomaly and scanned it with the Composition Scanner, staying around 250-300m away. This was the Q08-Type Anomaly I was looking for. It was a light blue or cyan in color, and seemed to emit a low frequency humming sound. I decided to get closer since I had seen some interesting things happen when ships got closer to them, and this is where I got a bit startled. When I reached 200m from the anomaly, it started glowing brighter and static electricity like a small lightning storm started shooting around my ship. I decided to get a little closer, moving to between 100m and 50m away from the anomaly, and this is where I started experiencing interference on my HUD and taking damage. Now, with this ship I don't usually carry a shield unless I go to Guardian Structures, because I'm definitely not going to be challenging anyone in combat with this ship. It also takes up a lot of power even for a base generator, and more power means either a better Engineered power plant or a bigger power plant, which means more weight, which means less jump range, etc. I am trying to squeeze the most jump range out of this Krait Phantom as possible, and hopefully I should be able to do that when I can get more of the materials I am missing for Grade 4 and 5 increased FSD jump range, but until then trying to limit my ship's mass is vital, hence the missing shield generator. With no shield generator, my ship started taking hull damage immediately. It wasn't a lot of damage, but I got startled and backed off. Interestingly, it seemed to do damage in intervals, taking a few % off at a time. This was quite different than what I noticed with the Q09-Type Anomaly.

Q08-Type Anomaly Images:

> Import Image: Q08-Type Anomaly
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Images\20211203105525_1.jpg\> Import

^ Image 1: A view of the Q08-Type Anomaly backed by a Proto-Lagrange Cloud

> Import Image: Q08-Type Anomaly 2
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Images\20211203105549_1.jpg\> Import

^ Image 2: A view of my ship near the Q08-Type Anomaly showing it's relative size

> Import Image: Q08-Type Anomaly 3
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Images\20211203105635_1.jpg\> Import

^ Image 3: A view of the Q08-Type Anomaly when within 200m if it and its shield-damaging pulse with visible lightning

Next I headed out to look for a Q04-Type Anomaly. Reports located a Q04-Type Anomaly in the same system, HIP 15310. Looking at my navigation tab, there was another "Notable Stellar Phenomena" marker. I headed there, and when I arrived, I could already see visible lights. Similar to the previous anomalies, they were situated near a cluster of Metallic Crystals. This time, however, they were located in a cluster of Purpurenum and Flavum Metallic Crystals. These anomalies were purple in color. I approached the nearest anomaly, and scanned it: Q04-Type Anomaly. I got within 200m of the anomaly, prepared to take damage. To my surprise my ship didn't take damage, or at least any that I could see. Instead the anomaly began to glow brighter, and began producing something that looked like red sparks, and some sort of red cloud. It almost looked like it was producing a small red nebula. I did read however, that the Q04-Type Anomaly produces a Shield Breach Attack pulse, and that it will do damage if a ship has its shields online or is within 50m of it. Perhaps it simply didn't affect me because I didn't have a shield generator and/or because I was not closer than 200m to it? I may have to experiment with a shielded ship next time.

Q04-Type Anomaly Images:
_____ _____

> Import Image: Q04-Type Anomaly
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Images\20211203111520_1.jpg\> Import

^ Image 4: A view of my ship near the Q04-Type Anomaly showing it's relative size

> Import Image: Q04-Type Anomaly 2
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Images\20211203111612_1.jpg\> Import

^ Image 5: A view of the Q04-Type Anomaly when a ship is within 200m of it

Finally, I went to look for the last Q-Type Anomaly listed in the Codex, the Q09-Type Anomaly. This time though, I would have to travel to discover it. I looked at other sources, and I could not find any different locations that contained this anomaly, aside from the one listed in the Codex. So, I set course of the system of Alaunus. I arrived, targeted the "Notable Stellar Phenomena" as usual, and waited while Supercruise Assist handled the ship until I approached the anomaly. I came out of Supercruise, and similar to the Q04-Type Anomalies, I immediately saw lights. Similar to the other anomalies, these were in close proximity to clusters of Metallic Crystals. Interestingly though, they were not inside of any Lagrange or Proto-Lagrange clouds. I approached the nearest orb, and scanned it with my Composition Scanner. The Q09-Type Anomalies were green in color. At this point I had discovered the last Q-Type Anomaly in the Codex: Q09-Type Anomaly. Since I had already done it with the other two anomalies, I slowly approached it to see what it would do. The Q09-Type Anomaly was much more dangerous than the other two had been. Instead of doing small amounts of damage in intervals, the Q09-Type Anomaly produced a literal pulse when I got close. I had only just reached below 200m away from the anomaly and I began to take serious damage. I did not take damage in intervals, but instead in a draining manner. I was draining hull strength fast enough I immediately backed off. It was also serious enough that I was not able to obtain any images of the pulse itself without risking my ship being destroyed. I read through other sources that Q09-Type Anomalies emit a hull-damaging pulse if a ship is within 170m of it. However, I viewed footage of another commander approaching and touching the anomaly without taking any damage, which I'm assuming is because they had a shield. I do wonder if you need an especially strong shield to withstand the pulse, or if a simple shield generator with full pips to SYS would be enough to withstand the damage. This is something I will experiment with in the future. As of yet, I have all Q-Type Anomalies discovered in the Codex, but there are other variants that can be found. I will be sure to look for these and write logs covering their traits. I will import some of my last few images of the anomalies discovered on my journey here. Until my next log, o7 CMDRs.

Q09-Type Anomaly Images:

> Import Image: Q09-Type Anomaly
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Images\20211203113654_1.jpg\> Import

^ Image 6: A view of the Q09-Type Anomaly when a ship is within between 200m and 170m of it

> Import Image: Q09-Type Anomaly 2
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Images\20211203113453_1.jpg\> Import

^ Image 7: A view of my ship near the Q09-Type Anomaly showing it's relative size

> Import Image: Q09-Type Anomaly Clusters
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Images\20211203113336_1.jpg\> Import

^ Image 8: A view of the Q09-Type Anomalies lighting up the black

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> Log Saved, Goodbye Commander
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