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Monazite Mining - 10.12.3307

10 Dec 2021Marsxenon
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TRADE LOG - 10.12.3307

Today I decided to head out to do some credit grinding in the form of asteroid mining. I planned a route to Omicron Capricorni B, a system which I have returned to many times to mine. I travelled to Planet B B 1 specifically, since it's pristine rings contain 6 Monazite Hotspots. Even though tutorials always focus on mining Void Opals or Low Temperature Diamonds, I have always found stations with a better profit selling Monazite than selling other VOs or LTDs. I think I will probably leave mining information here to compare how the prices of mined commodities have changed. In other news, Update 9 dropped yesterday, and Vodel released a new combat oriented SRV: The Scorpion. It looks SICK. 4 wheels instead of the 8 on the Scarab, 2 seats, and a bigger gun on top. The turret actually contains a larger repeater, and a missile launcher. This all comes at a cost of no sonar, less cargo capacity, and a much heavier vehicle all together, but this makes sense when it has to be better armored and have better shields. It will prevent the Scorpion from being the obvious choice aside from cost. Either way, I need to get me one of those. Salvation is also in need of assistance right now, requiring parts for more Anti-Xeno Superweapons, whatever they may be. The Thargoids have advanced to a few other systems in the various nebulae they have invaded, Maia included. Obsidian Orbital has been damaged, and even though I have already achieved Federation Rank of Rear Admiral, I may go and assist simply because ObsidianAnt's station was attacked. I also may put more details of this in an event log. Finally, and probably more on topic, Multi-Limpet Controllers have been developed. They are configured for specific purposes, such as rescue, operations, and of course, mining. Instead of having a large Collector Limpet Controller that only allows me to have 2 active Collector Limpets with small lifespans and small Prospector Limpet Controller, I can have one large Multi-Limpet Controller that lets me have 4 active Limpets with infinite lifespans, or infinite as long as they are in range and doing their tasks, so it may seem. This is actually not a problem since I end up having 4 collector limpets out when I need a Prospector Limpet, and as of yet there is no way to terminate them. I might have to rearrange how I do things so that I can avoid this but we'll see. I also should be writing a new Exploration Log here soon, since I went out looking for anomalies. Anyway, below is some information about my mining expedition.

Resource: Monazite
Current Galactic Average: 200,975
Location: Omicron Capricorni B B 1
Mining Type: Deep Core Mining
Ship Cargo Capacity: 208T
Starting Limpet Count: 50

Hotspot 1: 1 Asteroid [19][16]
Hotspot 2: 1 Asteroid [15]
Hotspot 3: 3 Asteroids [15][17][13]
Hotspot 4: 5 Asteroids [17][17][17][13][17]
Hotspot 5: 2 Asteroids [14][13]


Total Resources Collected: 203T
Total Income: ~119,000,000
Sell Price: ~586,000
Sell Location: Tisserand Arsenal - HIP 83863 AB 7 f

> Import Image: Omicron Capricorni B B 1 Ring Map
<c:\Ship\Liberator\Images\20211210165941_2.jpg\> Import

^ This image is a "map" I created to show the location of a few of the Monazite Hotspots. Shown here is Hotspot 3, with Hotspot 4 to the north of the image out of view. When at the marker for Hotspot 3, Monazite Hotspot 4 is 25.2Mm away and a Platinum Hotspot is 25.5Mm away. Likewise, when at the marker for Hotspot 4, Monazite Hotspot 3 is 25.2Mm away. Hotspot 3 is located on the inner edge of Ring 15, and Hotspot 4 is located in between Rings 13 and 14.

I created a map showing the general location of Monazite Hotspot 3, which numbers the visible rings and the other location markers that can be used to triangulate its location. I may create a larger map in the future showing all of the hotspots if possible. I also discovered a more efficient method for the placement of Seismic Charges. 2 Maximum Yield Charges (3/3) on Low Strength Fissures, and 1 Low Yield Charge (1/3) on a High Strength Fissure proved to be the most efficient placement of charges, lying perfectly in the middle of the Optimal Yield Zone. I will make sure to come back to this information if I ever forget this in the future. In all honesty I would find it beneficial to be able to either manually number hotspots of multiple resources in the same ring, or have numbers next to them by default similar to how the xenological locations such as Thargoid Barnacles or Guardian Ancient Ruins I have seen have had. I may put this suggestion on the Frontier Elite Dangerous Forums. To finish things off, I thought I'd import a very beautiful image I took weaving in between the asteroids on my trip. Fly safe CMDRs, o7.

> Import Image: Asteroids
<c:\Ship\Liberator\Images\20211210160755_1.jpg\> Import

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