Logbook entry

Colonia Bridge Project | Phase 4: Week 1 - 16.2.3308

16 Feb 2022Marsxenon
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TRADE LOG - 16.2.3308

I am writing this log from my newer primary mining and cargo ship, Onyx. Unfortunately, I was not able to participate in the past three phases of the Colonia Bridge Project, so I decided to participate in this current phase before it was too late and I regretted not having participated. So far, the only rewards they have shown for this phase have been credits, but they did say that there would be more rewards in the subsequent weeks of this phase of the project. I hope one of those rewards ends up being the peak reward of the previous phases: An engineered FSD. I could definitely use a larger double engineered FSD for a bigger exploration ship or my Federal Corvette. Anyway, I decided to log my resource trade during this event, as you can see below.

Ship Name: Onyx
Ship Type: Lakon Type-9 Heavy
Ship Load Capacity: 788T
Additional Note: Numbers are greatly rounded; Mind the discrepancies.

DAY 1 (11.2.3308)

Complete Loads Delivered: 1
Contents: Liquid Oxygen
Approximate Cost per Load: 867,000 Cr
Approximate Sell Price per Load: 9,200,000 Cr
Approximate Profit per Load: 8,333,000 Cr


Complete Loads Delivered: 9
Contents: Liquid Oxygen [3], Geological Equipment [6]
Approximate Cost per Load [Liquid Oxygen]: 788,000 Cr
Approximate Sell Price per Load [Liquid Oxygen]: 9,200,000 Cr
Approximate Profit per Load [Liquid Oxygen]: 8,300,000 Cr
Approximate Cost per Load [Geological Equipment]: 1,600,000 Cr
Approximate Sell Price per Load [Geological Equipment]: 12,000,000 Cr
Approximate Profit per Load {Geological Equipment]: 10,300,000 Cr

I was initially trading Liquid Oxygen, as there were quite a few stations within 10 Ly away from Alcor, and were close to or less that 1,000 Ls away from the system entry point. However, after the first day of trading, the quantities of Liquid Oxygen began to fall drastically, likely from the Community Goal. I was initially traveling to Vizcaino City in STF 1774. The day before, there were vast quantities of Liquid Oxygen. The next day, I was close to running the stations dry each time I came back. Once, I even had to travel to two stations in STF 1774, Hill Hub and then back to Vizcaino City, to fill my cargo hold. It was at this point I needed to reevaluate what commodities I should be trading. Liquid Oxygen provided a nice profit, but ran out quick, probably because everyone else saw that it was profitable as well. Coffee was cheap and had quite a few locations selling it, but there was an extremely low quantity of it. Emergency Power Cells would have provided a much bigger profit and there was decent quantity, however the nearest locations selling them were at least 50 Ly away, too far away for my ship. Geological Equipment was promising. They were sold at a little over 2,000 Cr, were sold at stations that were a few hundred Light-Seconds away from their system entry points, which themselves were less than 10 Ly away from Alcor, and were sold in pretty high quantities. Overall, they provided a bit more profit, were closer than the systems selling Liquid Oxygen, and wouldn't run out as quick, at least for now. I was first collecting Geological Equipment from Seddon Gateway, but Rominger Dock ended up providing a more consistent supply of them. Oddly, the supply fluctuated quite a bit, but was always enough to fill my cargo hold. At first it was at around 1,000 Units, then it increased to around 2,000 Units on my second trip, dipped down to around 900 Units on my third, and way back up to around 3,000 Units. Some of the workers at Rominger Dock are pretty productive it seems. For Day 2 I decided to keep trading until I reached the Top 25% of Commanders, and then called it a day. I knew that every moment I wasn't trading would cause my place to be lower, but I thought I'd have at least a bit of a head start before I resumed participating.


Complete Loads Delivered: 11
Contents: Geological Equipment
Approximate Cost per Load: 1,673,000 Cr
Approximate Sell Price per Load: 11,890,000 Cr
Approximate Profit per Load: 10,216,000 Cr


Complete Loads Delivered: 16
Contents: Geological Equipment
Approximate Cost per Load: 1,593,000 Cr
Approximate Sell Price per Load: 11,890,000 Cr
Approximate Profit per Load: 10,216,000 Cr

This phase of the Colonia Bridge Project was quite interesting. I attempted to make it to the top 10 Commanders, which I knew would be difficult, but it ended up presenting itself as impossible. As much as I would have liked to have my name on a beacon, the goal presented itself as impossible. Every hour, the minimum requirement to be in the top 10 increased by 10,000 Units, twice as much as I possibly could have contributed in that time. I decided to abandon that goal, and focus on another one, reaching Trade Rank Elite. I kept trading until I reached it, and at that point I had accumulated over 500,000,000 Credits. I have reached the top 10% of Commanders, so I will collect 4,000,000 Credits in rewards from the Community Goal, which isn't a lot relative to how much I made just trading. Hopefully, the rewards in the upcoming parts of this phase will be more worth the effort, such as some engineered Frame Shift Drives. I also recently gained access to Selene Jean's services by donating 10 Units of self-mined Painite, so I can now engineer the armour and hull reinforcements of my ships. Additionally, I should gain access to the Cytoscrambler powerplay weapon from Archon Delaine once I deliver "Marked Slaves", so I should be able to outfit my Alliance Chieftain, Defender, to my liking. I may do that, or purchase a few Guardian weapons to attempt fighting Thargoids, as I have been interested in investigating their secrets more recently. Either way, this Community Goal helped me quite a bit, so I hope the future weeks of this phase of the Colonia Bridge Project prove to be beneficial as well. Until then, fly safe CMDRs, o7.

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> Log Saved, Goodbye Commander
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