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Return from Hiatus - 25.4.3308

25 Apr 2022Marsxenon
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GENERAL LOG - 25.4.3308

As anyone looking at these logs may notice, I'm back from having been gone for a little while. A few months in fact. During that time I haven't been working on anything particularly interesting. I have been increasing some of my skill on the ground, signing up with Frontline to settle conflict zones, and in more recent days signing up to aid ground settlements in various ways, most commonly by restoring power. I have also been focusing on exploring things in the Codex and looking for biological signals in other systems. So far, I have catalogued 38 species, mostly Bacterium and Tussock. Because of this I am currently at Exobiology Rank Compiler. I will soon be recording a log of all the species I have encountered, the environments I found them in, and their characteristics. In the past few days I have been collecting materials to upgrade my Federal Corvette for Thargoid Hunting. While I was originally upgrading my Alliance Chieftain for it, several failed attempts at killing a Thargoid Interceptor discouraged me from continuing for a while. However, the recent attacks that have allowed the Thargoids to make their way into the bubble inspired me once again to get out their and push them out of out territory. This time I feel that I'm making some good progress in developing a powerful Thargoid Hunting vessel. I look forward to divulging more of the information that I have been collecting for the past few months!

On a bit of a 'breaking the immersion' note, I have reached my first 1000 hours in this glorious game! I of course have some gripes about the state of the game, and even more about the state of communication between the community and Frontier, including the somewhat dimming future of Elite at this point in time. Nevertheless, this game changed my perspective of it rapidly, in a good way! Early on, less than a year ago, I bought this game on sale. I wasn't sure about it, because it at first didn't look like there was that big of a community and it looked way to complicated to learn. Here I am now, 1000 hours in, wishing I could go back and feel the innocence of launching the game for the first time. Not to say that I don't appreciate where I am now, approaching a few Elites in several professions, close to the first billion credits in my balance, having a fleet of almost all fully upgraded ships, and even having systems with my name on them, but the feeling of not knowing anything and anticipating what could come in the future felt incredibly inspiring. Even where I am now, I still look forward to the great things to come. I am anticipating my first trek to Colonia and the Galactic Center, reaching Elite in all professions, my first few journeys around the galaxy and the things I'll see, and I can't wait to have my own Fleet Carrier. When I get my own Fleet Carrier and upgrade it fully, I think I'll feel like I have achieved everything. There are more things to accomplish, but having what is pretty much your own station that can travel 500 lightyears at a time is quite a milestone in and of itself. Most especially, I look forward to seeing where this community goes from here. I feel like the pandemic put us into a dark time, and we are at a bit of a crossroads at the moment. If everything goes right, FDEV will fix the issues with Odyssey and can start to provide us with some incredible content. If things don't go right, we may see Elite: Dangerous fade into the depths of lost games. I am optimistic though, even if I'm not sure why. I have faith that this game will continue to stay as intriguing and fun as it already is. Fly safe CMDRs, o7.

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