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"Thargoid Doomsday" - 9.8.3308

09 Aug 2022Marsxenon
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EVENT LOG - 9.8.3308

TIME: 0700 UTC
SHIP: Liberator
LOCATION: HIP 22460 - Bright Sentinel Megaship

I decided to scrap my pervious log at the end of June. It is clear my previous assumptions of Salvation's plans were a bit overzealous. It is also clear though, that today may be this "Thargoid Doomsday" that Salvation reported yesterday. Like my previous log, I have heard individuals referring to this day at T-Day. It is very early in the morning at the moment, at least in terms of the Earth time zone I have been following all of my life even though I live in space. I am currently waiting on the Bright Sentinel in HIP 22460 in my Krait Mk. II, "Liberator", with my AX outfitted Federal Corvette sitting in storage at Obsidian Orbital in Maia, should things go awry. It seems that this system will be the final battleground for humans against the Thargoid race. It seems we may also learn more about Azimuth Biochemicals, now rebranded as Azimuth Biotech, most especially the information about the identity of Salvation. While in recent months we obtained information to suggest that Salvation's real name is Caleb Wycherly, I think there is still much we do not know. A public message that Salvation relayed avoided outright saying that Wycherly is Salvation, though I believe the evidence is too strong. In the audio files recovered from Iraxon Lane, Wycherly states "If I must be humanity's salvation, then so be it." If that isn't evidence enough that Caleb Wycherly and Salvation are one in the same, I do not know what is.

Nonetheless, I just received a report that the Proteus Wave, the superweapon that Salvation has been developing to wipe out the Thargoids is preparing to fire with its power capacitors "charging at 97% efficiency." I think we may be hours away from seeing something grand happen. While I think the technology that Salvation has been developing is extremely interesting and powerful, Salvation's actions have been generally untrustworthy and executed with suspicious intent. We may see Thargoids wiped out entirely. We may see them simply pushed back like the previous firings of the Proteus Wave weapon have resulted in. Too, we may see the Thargoids come back with more force than has ever been witnessed, at least in recent centuries. Something I fear is the presence of Thargoid Hive Ships. Legendary CMDR Jameson himself witnessed one. They exist, at least according to record. Perhaps they will return? Whatever happens, I am ready to face it head on. Many things have led up to this day. We have seen increasing amounts of information arise surrounding Azimuth Biotech, both the good and bad, though mostly the latter. Too, we have seen the Thargoids become ever more aggressive in their campaign to take over our territory, even encroaching on "the bubble" in the past. We may be looking at the end of this so-called "Azimuth Saga". Perhaps I will reflect upon the past events in a later log, but today I will focus on the important events ahead of us. I will document the events as soon as they occur on this particular log. I hope you are ready to be part of history CMDRs. If this is our demise, I will see you on the other side. If not, I'll see you in the black.

Stay safe CMDRs, o7.

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