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09 Aug 2022Marsxenon
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EVENT LOG - 9.8.3308


Everyone currently located near or in HIP 22460, EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY.

The Proteus Wave weapon has failed, or at least something catastrophic seems to have occurred at the Thargoid Surface Site where it was installed. The Bright Sentinel megaship is destroyed, along with the other megaships and experimental capitol ships I presume. I found my ship floating among the debris, and once I got power reactivated, I immediately came under fire from Thargoid Scouts. I am unaware if there were Thargoid Interceptors in the vicinity as well. My ship continued to say "Hazardous Environment", throughout the system, even when in supercruise. I fear this system may very well be uninhabitable now.

I also received the following message:


All Commanders are urged to withdraw from HIP 22460 immediately.

The Proteus Wave device created by Salvation failed to eliminate Thargoid forces in this system. An energy pulse of unknown origin, deployed shortly after the device's activation, shut down all human ships in the system. The majority of the human fleet was destroyed by Thargoid forces as a result.

Surviving pilots have been advised to retreat to a safe system. Further information will be provided via Galnet.

HIP 22460 is now under Thargoid control. The area is considered extremely dangerous. We have not yet confirmed whether further shutdown pulses remains a possibility.

Commanders who choose to investigate the aftermath of humanity's defeat in HIP 22460 should ensure their vessels are appropriately outfitted for Thargoid encounters.

After reading this message and fleeing the area, I saw it...
A massive galaxy-like light emitting from HIP 22460 10 b. If I remember correctly, it is the location of one of the Thargoid Surface Sites, and presumably the Proteus Wave. I believe there may have been a large detonation. Almost as if a nuclear device was set off. Here are some images I took briefly before leaving the system entirely:

> Import Image: HIP 22460 Detonation
<c:\Ship\Liberator\Images\20220809063558_1.jpg\> Import

> Import Image: Proteus Wave Failure
<c:\Ship\Liberator\Images\20220809063711_1.jpg\> Import

Other points of interest and contacts labelled as debris fields appeared on my NAV panel. I did not investigate them, however I fear destruction can be seen all throughout the system, just as I saw with the Bright Sentinel. I do not have much information as of yet, however I will relay anything I hear as soon as possible. I have retreated to Maia, where my AX Federal Corvette is stored. I am going to regroup, reequip, and head back to HIP 22460 for further investigation. Until then, STAY OUT OF HIP 22460. If you do choose to go, make sure you are ready to fight back against Thargoid forces.

Be careful out there CMDRs, o7.

> End Log Entry
<c:\Ship\Liberator\Logs\Log Recorder\Log_Recorder.exe\> End Recording- Recording Ended
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