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Potential Thargoid Anomaly - 5.9.3308

06 Sep 2022Marsxenon
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TIME: 0000 UTC
SHIP: Wraith
LOCATION: Oochorrs UF-J C11-0

During the past few weeks, I have been crafting a log covering everything that transpired after the failure of the Proteus Wave. Despite this major turning point in the history of our galaxy, it seems that it may not be over just yet. Close to a week ago on Tuesday, August 30th, exactly 3 weeks since what happened in HIP 22460, several CMDRs noticed a new red-orange light emanating from somewhere near the Barnard's Loop nebula. I was not one of the first to find this, but I learned about this 'anomaly' within hours after its discovery. Soon it was discovered that upon closer inspection this anomaly was not a star, or at least not a star we've seen before. As soon as I learned about this anomaly I headed out in my exploration Krait Phantom, 'Wraith', to see what was happening. In recent days I seem to be spending an excessive amount of time in this ship. Below is an image I took when I arrived in Oochorrs UF-J C11-0, which was the system closest to the anomaly, and therefore the best system for viewing it, up until a couple days ago. I have a very strong suspicion that this anomaly has something to do with the Thargoids, and may perhaps be directly related to the events in HIP 22460.

> Import Image: Potential Thargoid Anomaly
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Images\20220902170900_1.jpg\> Import

The low resolution of the images is due to the vast distance of the anomaly itself. It appears that the UIA, or the Unidentified Interstella Anomaly according to Canonn Research, moves in between system rather than through them like we tend to do. The second part of the image was processed using AI image sharpening software to provide a bit of clarity. I'm sure you can see what leads me to speculate its relation to the Thargoids just from its form. Thargoid technology seems to relate to the number 8, whether that be the physical symmetry of Thargoid constructions or simply how our technology interprets Thargoid signals. I plan to delve deeper into that subject in a dedicated Thargoid research log. Anyway, the anomaly appears to have 16 'arms' so-to-speak, 8 similar to the green color of Thargoid technology and 8 similar to the blue of Guardian technology. This is something that leads some to speculate, myself included, that this anomaly may have something to do with the Guardians or their technology.

Since the anomaly's discovery, it has been seen moving. I have not had to the time to create a time-lapse of it's movement, however I have noticed changes in brightness and size over the past few days. If I remember correctly, the anomaly was initially closer to NGC 2264 Sector RE-Y c14-0, but the system is permit locked, so it was not possible to actually go there at get a closer look. This has led many to speculate that the anomaly originated in that system. Additionally, several CMDRs have estimated the anomaly to be approximately 0.8 Ly in diameter. Other estimations placed the anomaly's velocity at an average of 0.663 Ly/h as of September 3rd. The UIA's velocity seems to have change though, as according to an announcement from Canonn today, "The UIA has accelerated and passed Oochorrs BS-F c13-0 ahead of schedule. It is now headed to HD 38291." The anomaly was originally predicted to transition past BS-F C13-0 at 2000 UTC, but it got there before the predicted time. I am currently taking measurements from surrounding systems to try and calculate its velocity as I write this, so I will add my findings as an update in the future.

If the odd form of the anomaly wasn't enough to prove its relation to Thargoids, there are two other key details that provide strong evidence for a strong connection. First of all, Thargoid Hyperdictions have been occurring near the Barnard's Loop nebula as well as the systems closes to the anomaly. Barnard's Loop is an area that seems to be in the path of the anomaly, but also something significant to theories surrounding the Thargoids. I wasn't aware of these theories, but the fact that the symbol we have seen on Thargoid Interceptors and Barnacles looks very similar to the shape of the nebula is hard to dismiss. Nonetheless, interdictions have never been reported occurring in this area before, at least to the extent of my knowledge.
Second, and far more convincing, is the sound that can be heard when directing the Full-Spectrum System Scanner in the direction of the anomaly, even when thousands of light-years away where the anomaly is not even visible. I will attach an audio clip that I recorded of this sound.

> Import Video: Thargoid Anomaly FSS Audio Analysis
<c:\Ship\Wraith\Videos\Thargoid Anomaly FSS Audio Analysis.mp4\> Import

The first portion of the audio clip is a raw audio recording of what can be heard when aiming the FSS towards the anomaly, and the second portion is the same audio clip run through software to somewhat reduce the FSS noise and make the actual signal more audible.

No significant changes in the audio signal have happened since the anomaly's discovery, but members of the Signals Analysis department of Canonn Research are working to find any potential clues as to what the anomaly is, its properties, its destination, and/or its origin.

So far, the anomaly has travelled through or is on its way to 5 systems. In addition to attempting to calculate the anomaly's velocity, I will also record the significant waypoint systems of the UIA's movement.


- Current Destination System

S1] NGC 2264 Sector RE-Y c14-0
S2] Oochorrs UF-J C11-0
S3] Oochorrs CS-F C13-0
S4] Oochorrs BS-F C13-0
S5] HD 38291

There is much to be speculated about here. One thing that seems to stand out to me is how silent Galnet was until today. The anomaly was discovered, as I mentioned, almost 1 week ago, yet it took some time for Galnet to release any statements. Perhaps this strange phenomenon has me a bit on edge, but I will be working on figuring more out about the UIA before I try to relax about things. I will keep this log updated with new general information about the anomaly, such as location or velocity, but if there are any major discoveries or revelations, be sure I will make a dedicated log. o7 CMDRs.

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