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Return of the Orthrus? - 29.11.3308

29 Nov 2022Marsxenon
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GENERAL LOG - 29.11.3308

TIME: 0540 UTC
SHIP: FNS Fracture
LOCATION: Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6

As I mentioned in my previous log this morning, I have hypothesized that we may see the return of the Orthrus Thargoid Interceptor variant. First of all, for those that don't know what the Orthrus was, I want to recap what we know. The first Orthrus Interceptor was encountered at the abandoned Palin Research Center on Maia A 3 A in 3305. It's design was quite unique compared to the other 4 interceptor variants. While it had the general profile of a standard Cyclops Interceptor, the cockpit looked to be reinforced with extra plating, reducing the size of the "eye" or "window" so-to-speak. The vessel had barnacle-like growths covering its eight petals, and a yellow coloration making it unique from the greens of the Cyclops and Hydra variants or the reds and oranges of the Basilisk and Medusa variants respectively. Below is an archived image from one of the CMDRs who were able to encounter the interceptor.

> Import Archive Image: Orthrus Thargoid Interceptor
<c:\Ship\FNS Fracture\Archive\Images\20190825194855_1.jpg\> Import

The most unusual part of the encounters with the Orthrus was its behaviour. While most Interceptors will become aggressive if you get too close, attack, or possess Guardian or Thargoid cargo, the Orthrus would immediately flee once it detected you, refusing to fight back if you attacked it. Another odd part of the Orthrus was that is was only found in one place, near the surface of a planet. Typical Thargoid interceptors could be found anywhere where there were NHSSs out in space. The only exception to this was when an interceptor is observed extracting Meta-Alloys from Thargoid Barnacles. The Orthrus also had some unique capabilities. It was observed moving extremely fast compared to the other variants, although I don't believe their velocity was ever narrowed down. From archival footage, it looks to be possibly moving faster than the Basilisk's 530 m/s. I believe it was also reported to have continuously regenerating shields. About a week after they were seen in Maia, they disappeared, never to be seen again, or possibly just a long time.

Recently, a GalNet article relayed comments from Coucillor Lewis Laychurch from HIP 62154, saying, "We witnessed a huge upsurge in these signals in multiple systems. Over a couple of hours, it felt like Thargoid activity was visible on scanners wherever our ships looked. It’s exclusively in areas with barnacle sites, too.” He also commented "It’s like they’re waiting for something." (GalNet Article / "Coalsack Nebula Reports Thargoid Activity" / 15th Nov. 3308) I think this is precisely what these Thargoids are doing, and that they are waiting for the anomalies' arrival, the arrival of the Orthrus, or both.

Recently, I have heard rumors of an unknown interceptor variant, and that it behaves unlike the other four. According to some public articles and theories about what the function of the Orthrus was it was stated, "While their role among the Thargoids could not be determined, it was speculated that rather than being an offensive unit like the Cyclops, Basilisk, Medusa, and Hydra, the Orthrus was a support unit responsible for seeding new Thargoid Barnacles in locations that the Thargoids claimed as their territory." (Elite Dangerous Wiki Article / "Thargoid Interceptor" / 19th Jun. 3303)

So here are my conclusions: I believe this rumored 'unknown variant' may be the Orthrus returning to specific systems with the best materials for seeding of new barnacles, wherein Thargoid Interceptors have made their way to these systems and are waiting for the Orthrus variants, so that they can stock up on Meta-Alloys before engaging in a large conflict with humans once the anomalies arrive.

Realistically, these are just rumors, and I don't think that will matter much if we get wiped out immediately by the anomalies anyway. Nonetheless, I think my hypothesis still stands. Until then, I am waiting in Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6. The first anomaly, 'Taranis', seems to be decelerating to stop in this system. I have seen some calling this 'Goidfall', so it seems Goidfall is imminent. It should be here by around 1500 UTC. Until then, all we can do it wait. Hopefully, this isn't the last log I have to write. o7 CMDRs.

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