Logbook entry

Conversation from salvaged blackbox

03 Dec 2021Ronin-667
My contacts at Magnus Gateway in EZ Aquarii passed me this recording from the salvaged blackbox of a Krait MkII that was destroyed near EZ Aquarii B 1 orbit:

A: Wow, look at that!
B: Watcha got?
A: A Type-7, en route to Magnus.
B: Cargo?
A: 160 Units of silver.
C: Woo-hoo!
B: Get him.
A: Interdiction active.
C: He’s dropping out!
B: Gotcha!
B: The Big Lebowski, we just want your silver. Jettison it and nobody gets hurt!
A: No reaction.
B: Cut’im up!
C: I’ll blow you to shreds!
B: Should be easy going.
C: His shields are holding.
A: They’re returning fire. 4 autocannons.
B: Shields?
A: Holding.
B: Give him more! Torpedo!
C: Torpedo away!
Ship: Target acquisition malfunction.
C: He’s got ECM.
B: Another torpedo!
A: Shields at 20%
B: What?? Avoid the autocannons! Get below him!
A: Pretty fast for a Type-7.
B: Do it!!
C: Second torpedo was destroyed by his PDT.
B: Damn. Now blow him up already, I want the silver!
Ship: Shields off-line.
A: Shields depleted, taking damage!
B: You gotta be fucking kidding me!
C: His shields are down. Now I’ve got you!
B: Fire everything we have!
A: He’s trying to escape!
C: Fire your thrusters as you want, mate, there’s no getting away from me!
A: Taking more damage!
B: Get away from these autocannons, goddammit!
C: Watcha doin’? He’s getting away!?
A: Slowing down. We have to let our shields regenerate!
C: Fuck you! I almost got him!
A: Oh crap.
B: What now?
A: More hostiles in sector 7.
B: So what?
A: Cops. Three Mambas.
B: No no no no NO NO NO! What the fuck is taking you so long?! Blow him up already!
A: I told you we were way too close to the station.
B: Shut up! Fire at will!
C: Whatcha think I’m doing! His shields are up again.
A: Mambas opening fire.
B: Full boost. Go to frame shift ASAP.
C: But the silver??
B: Fuck the silver. Let’s get the fuck outta here.
Ship: Warning! Internal damage detected.
C: Dammit!
A: Hull at 30%!
B: Engage the cops! We’re not going to make it easy!
A: Frame shift drive inoperational!
C: Crap.
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︎1 Shiny!
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