Logbook entry

Untold riches

12 Apr 2022Ronin-667
Voilá the new merchant ship: The Appassionata!

After investing 75 million credits and a lot of time to engineer the Python's FSD and mass profile to get the most out of the ship's jump range, my new long-range freighter is paying off.

The trick: Find carriers somewhere in the range of up to 300 Ly that sell high-priced minerals (alexandrite, benitoite, low temperature diamonds, void opals and the like) for relatively low prices. Then haul the goods across the galaxy to a station or carrier that pays higher than average prices for those goods.
Due to the sometimes extreme price differences (e.g. paying 200k for 1 unit of alexandrite, and selling it for up to 600k), the profits are enormous.

The down side is that sometimes the price at the destination is not up-to-date and significantly lower than given in the public market lists, or the destination might have stopped to demand the commodity entirely.

The other problem are pirates; but with my grade 3 multi-cannons, pulse and beam lasers, ships like Kraits or Mambas are easily dispatched.
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