Logbook entry

The Fall and Rise of Ijo

03 Feb 2022TooManyCookson22
June 3307 - Imperial Federation Freelancers [IFFG] is formed

July 3307 - Enough recruits join IFFG to form a minor faction in Ijo. Thus the Interstellar Guardian Merchants [IGM] are born.

The IGM makes quick work of Ijo, gaining majority control within the following weeks.

August 3307 - IGM holds control of Ijo unopposed. IGM recruits relax, while our leaders plan a long journey to Colonia.

September 3307 - Our leaders; commander Glengiii999 and Fus-Dougie have not returned from their trip. The faction is worried they may be suffering from Pandorum, a very real possibility considering the 22kLy journey.

October 3307 - Small local factions declare war on the IGM. Commander Dolph_12365 single-handedly keeps Ijo under IGM control, dropping ship after ship. Glengi and Dougie have still not returned from Colonia and on the 17th of October 3307 they receive a message from commander Dolph reading: “I see a new faction in our space…Trans Stellar Liberation Front…I think we’re being invaded”.

Ultimately we lost control of Ijo and with Glengi and Dougie recovering from Pandorum in Colonia…there is no central organization.

November 3307 - IGM commanders receive a message from Glengi saying we’re taking Ijo back.

Preparations for war are now underway. Glengi has created a coalition between the IFFG and Tartan Spartans. The Tartan Spartan fleet carrier, Tiger Claw [Commander Thumper922], arrives in Ijo. The war is won with little opposition as our combined forces massacre Trans Stellar ships.

December 3307 - With the war won, plans are underway to undermine and be rid of Trans Stellar for good. Our methods may have been a little brutish. But disease and famine is usually a good way to get the point across. The Federation for which they are allied to…have done much worse than us.

The war of Ijo hardened many of our fresh recruits, strengthening each commander in their own way.

January 3308 - We have now expanded from Ijo and are currently in 2 systems with more expansion underway.

June 3308 - War! We have expanded to and successfully invaded Trans Stellar’s home system. Talks of peace are underway and we hope that we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement.

Ijo will never fall again.
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