Datalog: 3
24 Nov 2021Drexod
Date: 24 Nov 3307Time: 20:16
Location: LTT 17422 C 2, LTT 17422 System
Ah fuck. Just as I open this, supercruise assist fucks up and instead of putting me in orbit belly flops me into the atmosphere.
Everything is fine, nothing under 98% but I should check in with maintenance when I can see if they can figure out what happened.
Anyway, I'm on approach to Rosenberg Hub with a couple of aid workers paying just under 22.25k when a message rolls in from a Mr Raider Maxwell offering just over 39k for them at Shaw Port.
The place sounds familiar, I think I was there recently. If my memory serves me, that's where I had to deliver a biochemical whatever for an infestation.
I'm no slaver though. A taxi, temporarily, since people pay more than rocks. Laser mining is never all that profitable compared to deep core work. Anyway, I;m sub 5k from ground and I have permission. Best pay proper attention for these folks.