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In the middle of it looking out

07 Jul 2020Eagle 5
Colonia was a much needed rest from weeks of hyperspace travel and mindless scanning. Exploration has a way of being more entertaining when you're doing it for the fun of it... and not the hell of it and damn sure not for the money.

I thought the whirring of automatic navigation buoys and the incessant chatter of comms traffic would have enough pulling power to get me to stay for a bit... it didn't. All it took is a couple of days of sightseeing around nav beacons... and a would be pirate's attempt at some cargo (which I carry none of during exploration) to have me wish for greener (or blacker) pastures and speaking of pulling power nothing (in this galaxy at least) has more pulling power than Sagittarius A* a supermassive black hole. Determined to earn more money but more importantly my exploration badges I set off for the void looking to fall in Zulu-Romeo's footsteps a few years after he made the first trip to the big drainhole in the center of the galaxy.

The journey was more or less uninteresting and definitely a lot shorter than the Varati-Colonia trip. I even got somewhat proficient at supercharging my jump range by feeding the old FSD some high octane neutronium fuel. First time you break 100LY in one jump is a memorable one as is the sight greeting you at the end of the road jumping into Sagittarius A*. There it sits in all its glory almost invisible but hot as hell from all the matter swirling around it. I'm not scientist and I certainly am no expert but the thought of an object so massive yet so compact really blows your mind. It's such an unnatural sight that I couldn't help but feel we were never meant to see it. I'd feel that way too if it wasn't for the dozen fleet carrier or so parked around the area looking to score some cheap cash from travelers and explorers who (like me) took off for this place with a tankful of determination and an empty one of luck.

I'll check the rates, fix my drive and probably head back this time with some decent money in my pocket and with the goal of getting the Lone Star some much needed upgrades.

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