Logbook entry

The end of the Hacksaw Run Expedition

15 Jul 2020Eagle 5
I thought getting back to the bubble would be so far in my future that I might never had seen it.... but I finally did.

"The Neutron Highway" did a lot to cut down my time spent getting back from the Galactic Center. Initial estimate at my measly 29.73LY range was something in the range of 700-800 jumps... an eternity. Sure it would have paid the big bucks with all the exploration I would have done but after the first leg to Colonia and then on to the Center I had just about enough of scanning things.

The careful arrangement of neutron jumps got my trip back in about half of the initial 800 jump estimate, which was a welcome change of pace for me and the Lone Star which was now showing significant signs of wear. Gone was the handsome blue camo and gold lined paintjob to be replaced by scorch marks, bare metal panels and lots of scrapes from micrometeorites. I kinda like it... it's a look, the kind of look that says I'm done dealing with people and I prefer celestial bodies to dead ones.

Despite my long absence from civilization, word on the comms never fails to identify how dynamic human space is. Things were changing and with characters like Dr. Arcanonn, Dr. Palin, Lady Kahina etc. making waves across human space (for good reasons or bad) but also with the Thargoids dropping back in to say hello by way of heavy weaponry, I knew it was time to kick things into overdrive and make some friends in high places.

(Also.. Why the Hacksaw Run name? It's rather simple I'm not that creative. Tracing a straight line from Bunda To Varati To Colonia To Sagittarius A* and back via the Neutron Highway makes a shape very much resembling an old Hacksaw.. sometimes it really is that simple)

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