Logbook entry

Looking ahead far ahead

16 Jul 2020Eagle 5
LFT 926 is one of the very few places where The Dark Wheel maintains a stable and prominent presence. I decided that would be where I would start selling my loot of exploration data. If they were indeed "THE" Dark Wheel, it wouldn't be a bad move to get myself in good graces with them knowing there are some unseen forces getting ready to upend the balance of existence.... and then there is Raxxla but we'll leave it at that.

Felicity Farseer always took her name seriously and had a habit of looking far ahead at things. She never held back her disdain toward would be impostors who would take on the Dark Wheel's name to generate interest. Federation through and through she was not against letting some details go if a good conversation and a bottle of Lavian brandy was involved. A toast to the Hacksaw (and the cartographical data it brought) had her tell me personally that those who would make the mistake of treading on The Dark Wheel's reputation would simply... vanish without a trace and without drama. Having worked with her for a while now I felt comfortable that she may have been a member herself either current or past especially given her extensive exploration background. That gave me the comfort to know that if push came to shove and an advocate was needed... I would have one.

As I made my way to guest quarters for some long overdue shuteye in a bunk I made one last pass by the hangar to see the entire drive and FSD section being removed by the expert crews... at last I was on my way to get the range I wanted.

Funny thing is I have a feeling I'll be needing it soon.

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︎1 Shiny!
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