Logbook entry

Out of the frying pan into the fire - Epilogue

16 Sep 2020Eagle 5

Deck 17 was the sort of bar that got its name based entirely on the fact that it sat between the ship's 16th and 18th decks so as you can imagine it was as sterile and austere as the rest of the medevac ship and its facilities.  

> I'll take a pint of Brown.... Cold.

The thick frothy ale went down smoothly... it was the first taste of something cold I've had since running in and out of the Cemiess fires.  The pint felt like heaven and was the perfect cap to a very stressful day.

"I never understood how any civilized being could stomach that filthy slop" said a delicate yet powerful voice from behind.

> Like a lot of things... you just get used to it

.... except for this .....

I spun my barstool around to face who had to be the only other patron in the establishment.... and for once I was speechless.

IT WAS HER! piercing blue eyes and all.  

> You're the woman from the Galnet feed! I saw you and came looking for you! .... I'm sorry

The imperial maiden looked like a breath of fresh air among the devastation.  She must have been rescued by an earlier transport and was now cared for and dressed in the finest garb available.... except it was black the typical sign of mourning.  

"I was rescued shortly after the Galnet report and made it here on an imperial transport,  I'm a member of Princess Aisling's court and was caring for.... a distant member of the imperial family when sadly she was killed in the attack"

> The child..?

"Yes.. I'll be taking the body to Achenar for final burial tomorrow.  It's going to be a grand ceremony, as you heard Aisling's father was also... killed"

(Harold... the oddball... what the hell is going on here???)

(Trying to remain cool and collected..)

> No I haven't, I've kind of had my hands full..

"Indeed you have!  I've been volunteering by updating passenger counts and logging their rescue ships to ensure proper recompense.  Predictably that red Asp of yours would come barreling through like it was some sort of flying circus every 10-15 minutes"

> I'll take that as a compliment.. speed and efficiency are my specialty.

"Your passengers weren't quite so... complimentary"

> They'll live.   Miss....?

"Lady Serena Livernois... and you are Lt. Commander Pucci of the Federation Naval Service are you not?"

> Often imitated... never duplicated what tipped you off?  

"I had access to ships' registration records remember? that's quite a record you have. I knew it had to be you because no one else would be brazen enough to show up here with FNS markings emblazoned on the side of their ships... but I'm glad you did"

> Really?  and why is that?

"Because despite the historical animosity it still shows deep down we are all human.  But I must leave now my guards will approach soon to take me to my transport.  Safe travels Commander."


And just like that... she was gone.

24 hours...

All in a day's work.
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︎4 Shiny!
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