Logbook entry

A New Expedition

28 Nov 2021'Atramentous
Today I began another expedition into the black. Before now, all my expeditions generally had one of two main goals in mind: Reach a certain location and/or be the first to discover a specific type of stellar body. This time, however, there is a different goal in mind. I recently learned of an expansive, unnamed, region of space off of the tip of Xibalba that is roughly 2kly x 3kly in size. As of now, it has never been reached and remains completely undiscovered. This intrigues me (its the space madness someone help its not the space madness kicking in again I promise). As crazy as it sounds, I wish to discover a route to this area and be the first to enter it. I have now embarked on a journey to the southern edges of Achilles' Altar (it is also somewhat close to the aforementioned region of space) to explore. I doubt I will discover a direct route to that area, and I do not expect to find one traversable by normal ships. The route to it will probably only be accessible by fleet carrier, otherwise it would have been discovered by now.

My thought process in all this is that if nobody tries to find a route to it because of how unlikely it is that there is one, then there will surely never be a route discovered. It took quite a long time for a route to HIP 58832 (about 5kly above the bubble, only reachable by fleet carrier), so there is no reason this should have been discovered any easier or sooner. It doesn't seem this is actively being researched either.

That is my goal for this expedition, but even if I do not fulfill it then I still feel like this expedition will be worth it. An expedition is and expedition. You know what they say, the journey is the destination.
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