Cmdr Spartacuswolf420
Adventurer / Special agent
Registered ship name
angel of death
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain GHOST
Overall assets
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

Journal entry #1

14 Oct 2022Spartacuswolf420
Chief Officer Commander Spartacus Wolf,
Journal Entry #1
star date 3308-10-14 EDG time 01:11 am
Squadron ID : [GASA] Galactic Aerospace Syndicate

After a year of traversing the stars
which has to be honest felt like an eternity ive made my mark amongst the Empire and the Federation as well as made a few friends in the independent sectors.
Ive become a force to be reckoned with with some help from GASA, whom i find to be more of a family every day were out here in the black
couldnt be happier to have met this bunch of outcasts, and explorers, bounty hunters traders and much more we have all come so far and to think its only a short while back on earth lol

I have been exploring the deep for some time now,
been even longer since ive seen anyone from back home. i wonder how much has changed in time time ive been gone.
sad thing is i only really miss my dog.... haha well shit wouldn't that be a sight a Siberian husky in space.

encountered so many thargoids ive lost count how many ive killed must be close to a small genocide by now
and guardian sites who knew such ancient beings were fighting the same enemy as we are today
as well along the way Ive been to many of these thargoids mega structures that are similar to the recent proteus wave project in hip 22460 and seen a marvel of holographic maps of what seemed to be the milky way or a alternate dimension of it where maybe the guardians and thargoids are currently fighting it out or maybe even living in harmony and raxxla is the gateway to getting there.

oh sure Ive made quite the fortune from making quite enemy of the so called thargoids and the far god cultists. As well as killing pirate scum along the way...
But at what cost? this is a question im often asking myself these days is what are we even fighting these things for is there no further research or efforts of communication that e could establish instead of just crafting weapons of mass destruction, what secrect do these ancient beings and the thargoid hold ?
as this is truly the only way we will leap into the next level of a species and start to explore other galaxies all together imagine how far we could go if we had a guardian or a thargoid ship

On one of my last expeditions into the last known logs of a collapsed and condemned mining colony i stumbled upon some very peculiar audio logs
no further information has come up from them as of just yet but i will continue to dig up what i can.
the more interesting logs were the vaccine logs the the far god cultists logs and locations..

today is a monumental day, for i finally purchased a fleet carrier and will be spending the next month in preparation to begin my journey and start tuning the tin foil toward the ideology and the mysteries of RAXXLAA and exploring if and any connections to the dark wheel and the current stargoids hat are headed towards the home systems.

fellow cmdrs in my squadron have often discussed what all this might entail and needles to say there has been a ton of research already done and still we've as seen how little is actually known about Raxxla and how Alex Ryder and his fathers connection to it was of truth of just some old space folk lore but either way the appeal have festered and grown over the last year and it is time that we begin our journey into the mystic..

the next time i write if all goes as planned i will be heading out to the nearest location of the so called star goids im not sure what will have become of me and my crew but just know we will return with proof of its existence or die trying.
until next time.

Wolf .
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