Cmdr Ghost-Tastik
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U.F.E.F De/\Th De/\Ler
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Federal Corvette UFEF
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Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

Log Entry #1: Colonia Bridge Project & Back Story

09 Jan 2022Ghost-Tastik
So I've decided to Make regular Log entry's on a daily or Bi-Daily basis, it seems only fair that I Share my journey Through the milky way galaxy with anyone interested in reading about the wonders I'm sure I'm going to find out here. First a little Back story, I started my journey like so many others in a sidewinder, Wide eyed, Excited!, and filled with Anticipation at the thought of thrusting into the deep black and without hesitation to see what there is to find !. Of course that wasn't the case at all lol, first I would need to gain rank in a faction, make money, Buy bigger better ships and gain some knowledge before I ended up losing everything because I didn't properly prepare myself before leaving. So that's just what I've been doing and soon very soon I will be headed out to stake my claim to discoveries unknown.

Now, About this Colonia Bridge Project !, I have enjoyed his very much it has allowed me to meet new and interesting pilots, Even if one of them rammed there Fer De Lance in to my ship until it exploded while I was leaving McDonald Settlement after dropping off a load of Thermal Cooling Units, A CMDR VAPOR_HUNK apparently there are GANKERS in this game ( I hadn't met one until this moment ) but I guess whatever makes you happy and if blowing people up for no reason and wasting your time better spent making this game better and more fun is what you like to do each his own I personally wont let it deter me from having fun. I plan on finishing this Community goal in the top 10 commanders or top 10% as it stands now I'm in the Top 10% and wont stop till this is done. All in all I'm enjoying my time here in the milky way galaxy and plan to be here for a very VERY long time Salute CMDR'S And i hope to see you out there in the wide open spaces.
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