Cmdr Ghost-Tastik
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U.F.E.F De/\Th De/\Ler
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Federal Corvette UFEF
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Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

Seriously ......GANKING Is A Thing ?

10 Jan 2022Ghost-Tastik
So while going about my business and trying to complete The Community goal I came across a Squadron Called DERP......( )
who apparently spend most of there time GANKING ( For those of you who don't know what that is it's killing, Maming, attacking or otherwise causing trouble for ) Pilots New and old to get pleasure out of pissing them off !. Why any pilot in Elite Dangerous would want to spend there time doing this is beyond me but thankfully there are pilots out there who choose to spend some of there time protecting other pilots from said TROLLS and i am now glad to count myself among those Elite few who will destroy and hunt down any pilot who chooses to spend any time doing this ridiculous & unworthy goal.

That being said in one of my up comming Logs i will be posting names of known Pilots who Call themselves GANKERS to hopefully warn and help thjose out there to protect themselves from these most undesirable and utterly odious & Putrid of human beings.

On a Personal note im still in the Top 10% working with a fellow pilot Named CMDR DEATHEYES86 who i want to give a Salute to o7 your help with your Carrier is Much MUCH appreciated ma man. As allways see you in the Black Friends and Foes Be Aware and Have fun.
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