Cmdr Ghost-Tastik
Explorer / Trader
Registered ship name
U.F.E.F De/\Th De/\Ler
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette UFEF
Overall assets
Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

EZ ORIONIS Expedition Day #1

23 Jan 2022Ghost-Tastik

Matthews dreams from the very beginning was to be an Explorer, he wanted to travel the far reaches of the Galaxy, But he also knew that he would have to work hard to get there. Matt was More fortunate than most Having met 2 fellow commanders Glenn And X-Ken Both of them being very well versed in the Politics And the engine outs of the Galaxy they tutored Matt, taught him about trade missions And how to collect bounties To gain rank and reputation in the federal navy. It took a very long time But
Finally having been able to purchase his Federal Corvette and now his Carrier, Matt Trinity A.K.A Ghost-Tastik, Decided To create A federal fleet Whose main purpose would be the exploration of our Galaxy. And so he Began seeking out fellow, Like minded commanders, And their squadrons together To form
U.F.E.F. The United Federal Exploration Fleet. Ready to plan his 1st expedition He only needed to select the destination, But where to go 1st? Matt wanted Obviously to go where no one else had been before Thinking wrong and hard on it he decidedTo go to the EZ ORIONIS System first. Matt could remember growing up on Earth and every night looking up at the sky and seeing Orion's belt And the big and little dipper And all the signs of The zodiac But of all the different constellations in the sky Orion Stood out the most, So that's where he was gonna go. Many other Commander's Responded to his Bullitin and post on the galactic Network to take the long and exciting trip Deatheyes86, & Chris082915 Were among the most eager to get this journey underway and after Many trips from Noriega Port in the LHS 142 System and back to his Carrier appropriately Christened The U.F.E.F. HE/\DQU/\RTERS they were ready to set out on the first leg of there journey 499.94Ly to Synuefe KQ-F B30-1. While Enroute the men passed the time playing Texas Hold'em, 5 card draw, & Cribbage, once they came out of Hyper Space the Carrier needed a significant amount of time to cool down so Ghost decided to do a little Exploring around the nearby star systems. The very first one he scanned with the FSS Scanner Proved that his instincts were dead on, 7 of the 13 planets had Geological and Biological Signals. The first one we came acrossed looked like the Grand Canyon, if it was on the moon,

hahahaha. Also found what looked like GIANT Gourds,

And me & Death stopped to take a selfie of this most beautiful sight ,

Wrapping up the first day of our trip was definately a memorable one to be sure and we couldn't wait to finally reach EZ ORIONIS and start a week long Survey of this most spectacular sight, A Stellar Nursery.
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