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A Necessary Return

09 Feb 2022Shadowstormr
Things are getting dicey in Colonia. With the bridge project progressing further and further, more people coming over and not all have a noble intent. I want to be a defender of humanity's backup plan and to be good at that, I had to come back to the bubble.

Thanks to gracious commanders who run a taxi service free of charge for people like us that this time I made it here without feeling the black enveloping me. Not that I don't entirely like it, I know that I'm only a few inches of steel away from sure death. Carriers on the other hand add several more inches and the company of others. My first carrier trip went swimmingly thanks to CMDR Olive Oyl and their beautiful carrier Marching On Together.

I brought my whole fleet of ships with me, not know what exactly to expect in my brief stay at the bubble, but I better be ready for anything. I had been invited by Tod and Felicity but I hadn't presented myself to them before leaving for Colonia. It's time to take up that invitation and do some networking. I hear many other individuals like them with impressive skill are willing to offer their services for a few favors. Favors that I'm exceeding good at delivering.

I hope to eventually make connections over at colonia and form a beneficial bond with interested parties. My hope is they'll find worth in what I have to offer and help me in my endeavors.

There also some unfortunate acquaintances that have to be made to access better firepower. I didn't want to work for the powers in any manner but it seems they've made it so that anyone willing to defend their home, must. I hope this is not a deal with the devil, and if it is then the harm that I bring into the world is minimal.

I'm still not sure about my purpose and place. I know I'm just a small transient cell in a massive organism but I hope whatever I do, brings an end to suffering, to whatever extent I'm capable of delivering on that.

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