Cmdr iMetal
Special operative / Treasure hunter
Registered ship name
The New Level
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette WTF
Overall assets
Pioneer Supplies
Denton Patreus

Logbook entry

Sum Log

22 Mar 2024iMetal
Today, like most days, was all about the hunt for Raxxla. Poring over star charts and spectrograms, I delve deeper into the enigmatic clues that might lead us to its hidden location. Every anomaly, every faint signal, holds the promise of unlocking untold riches. But in this line of work, one must tread carefully. The line between lawful treasure hunting and outright piracy is as thin as the edge of a razor.

My criminal history serves as a constant reminder that in the pursuit of fortune, one must be prepared to navigate the murky waters of morality. Yet, for those willing to take the risks, the rewards are beyond measure. Whether it's striking deals with shady characters or employing less-than-savoury tactics to gain an advantage, I am always ready to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

As a special operative for Sirius Corporation, my allegiance is clear but my methods are less so. In this unforgiving galaxy, morality bends like light around a black hole. My past has left its mark, the ends often justify the means. Leading Pioneer Supplies' squadron adds another layer of complexity. Balancing our logistics and finances with the demands of our mission to arm the Pilots' Federation and protect humanity tests both my leadership and my resolve. Together we are a force to be reckoned with, driven by a shared hunger for adventure, fortune, and the unity of our species.

As I wander the endless expanse, I'm reminded of the duality of this existence: the thrill of the chase tempered by the weight of its consequences, always for the greater good. But for now the siren song of Raxxla calls, and I answer, fuelled by bull-headed ambition and infinite wonder.

The wheel keeps turning and I hold no regrets, it will all be worth it in the end.
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