Logbook entry

I have thrown my support behind Arissa Lavigny-Duval and the Empire.

15 Jan 2022Cerelen
I've been lying low on the political front since I became a CMDR. I've scoped out the scene for the past few years and tried to be fair in my assessment of whom I should support. It has become clear to me that only one of the Superpowers is worthy of my loyalty and that is Arissa Lavigny-Duval. Some may say that I should support a faction based on its principles rather than how much I like the leader, and admittedly, there is merit in that claim. I won't lie and say I don't find some of the Empire's practices somewhat unsavory, namely slavery. But I also know that Imperial slaves are treated better than the common folk of some factions and it gives direction to the lives of many who might otherwise drift and suffer while doing so.

The thing is, I also support the Empire's core tenets. While the Federation is a capitalist hell and the Alliance is so open-ended as to have no structure and no strong personalities to lead it, the Empire understands that humans, as a group, require direction and that honor means something. You'll never catch me running out on a debt. If I owe something, I pay it.

Therefor, I have spent the past few months working in favor of the empire and on account of that I have gained the title of Baron. This gives me the right to purchase the Imperial Clipper, as well as to enter the Summerland System. Though I had been working on behalf of the Empire for a while, I decided that when it was time to obtain my Imperial Clipper (gods bless the design team of Gutamaya!), I would travel to Capitol in the Achenar system to do so, a pilgrimage of sorts.

Now that I have obtained my Clipper, it's time to see it outfitted.

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