Logbook entry

Back out into the black!

05 May 2019C4r1ton

House of Tavgi

Sector- New Arrackis

Station-Roentgen Hub -LFT37

DATE: 05/04/3305

CMDR Boneless Medusa and I set out to log and scan the known generation ships scattered throughout the galaxy. It's been a while since I was able to get some stick time and I was looking forward to getting back out into the black.

I had been toying with a few ship builds over the last few weeks. I had been so preoccupied till I forgot I had purchased a Federal Gunship. I had planned on trying her out melting a few wanted ships, but work had gotten in the way. Being on assignment for nearly a month, then getting unforscene events pulling me away, didn't help either.

I must say, I got a good chuckle when i went down to the hanger this morning and noticed my Christmas tree was still mounted on the dashboard of my Corvette. So plans changed. I was determined to head out into the black at the first chance I got. I remember having some fun exploring with a T-10, but changed my mind when I remembered how much of a space pig she is in turns. LOL. I then thought I would pick up a Krait MKII and arm her to the teeth. She worked well but was still lacking in the jump range. I ended up heading back to the hanger and picking up my ASPX, the Madmar Dawn.

I followed Boneless' lead. He had charted out our path and I followed.  Dropping into the first system and out at the first ship, I was in awe. This behemoth, The Lycaon, was amazing, yet a bit unnerving. Sitting back and listening to the logs had my heart drop. It was such a helpless feeling to know we can jump clear across the galaxy in seconds and these people spent years trying to discover new worlds. So on and so on, with the Atlas, Thetis, Pleione, Epimetheus, Spear of Hope and the Lazarus Expedition...each had their demise, some unspeakable.  

To these brave souls, I salute you o7.

I hope as some point in the near future, we can find your descendants planetside on some uncharted earth like world and hear stories of your bravery and courage.
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︎2 Shiny!
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