Logbook entry

To New Horizons

26 Nov 2022Cafune
People on the news and online are saying that the Bubble is soon going to be on fire. Seems like the prime time to go somewhere else. I think I want to go to Colonia.

There's a fleet carrier that's going to jump to Colonia very soon. I'm writing this log onboard it. The crew seems nice. The lounge chairs aren't terrible either. Shame there's no bar open, 'cause I wouldn't mind a beer or two. Or coffee, for that matter.

On the way to the carrier I visited Crichton Settlement -- a base on the planet that the carrier is anchored at. Would've been a lovely place, if not for the scorching 639 K surface temperature. Definitely not good for long term health. The fact that it's so close to the main star isn't helping either, even with the modern stuff like radiation shielding. But, at least, driving an SRV in the premises was a refreshing experience. Haven't done that in a while.

The headaches still continue. Couldn't score myself a medical check-up appointment yet, so I hope that I'll be luckier at Colonia. I'm sure doc's gonna say that it's fatigue or something, though.

Actually, a lot of commanders online seem to have headaches, too. What's interesting is that most of them are the ones that have enrolled in the Odyssey program. I wonder if it's the neural interface for the EVA suits that's causing this. Well, whatever. Let's see what the doc says about it.
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